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Hello, don't worry you still have slightly less than 6 days to do your assignment! I just wanted to reach out to all the cover makers that are members of this book club because let's face it...I can't make covers. 

The winner of the cover making 'competition' will be the book of the week, be tagged in my bio permanently, credited in the summary, receive a shout out to 3000 of my twitter followers, and receive a  permanent follow from me!

Dateline: 14 October 2016, Friday, 6pm (GMT +8 time) 

Take note that GMT +8 runs 12h faster than New York's Time and 8h faster than Britain's. 

What I hope to see in the cover:

Cover: Wattpaders' Book Club

Author: meltingrelations

Ideas: I'm looking for a title that stands out boldly with a simple background. Something related to a book. That is really all I have, you can innovate:)


Winner will be announced in the next assignment! 

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