Chapter 16

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We dropped Alic off at his trailer and he said we should hang out in front of my mother so of course she said yes and that whenever he wanted to come over he could text me so she could go pick him up. He texted me after we pulled away and I was just died. Paige we should hang out soon ;). I replied with a smart ass response: I doubt your GIRLFRIEND would appreciate that. He responds by saying they are breaking up soon because she is too needy and I just ignore it.

Monday rolls around and I am bored out of my mind completely. I am contemplating calling Dakota when Alic calls me instead. "Paige what's up?" He asks me like he is talking to an old friend. "Just chilling at my trailer what do you want?" I asks slightly irritated it has been days since I had anything and I am feeling it very much. "Can I come over?" He asks so casually without thinkings I say sure. "Awesome what's your address?" He asks and deep down I know there is no getting out of this so I tell him I will text him my address which I do. He stays on the phone while I text it to him. "Straight shot down 80 that's not bad." I decide to ask him how he is getting here and he says he is walking. "WHAT? Dude that'll take you like 4 hours." I respond. "No not really probably an hour at max. I'll see you then.'' He says and he hangs up. What have I done, my mom calls and I tell her Alic is coming over and that we will sit outside till she gets home which is a lie but hey anything to make the parents happy.

Almost an hour has passed when I get a knock on the door. Low and behold Alic is standing there. I look at him kinda stupidly but then let him inside. We have about 3.5 hours until my mom gets off so about 4 hours until we have to go outside. "Hey..." I say trying not to look directly at him because honestly he looks like a Greek God. "What's wrong?" He asks me as we sit down on my couch. "Nothing why would you think something is wrong?" I ask finally looking him in the eye. Why am I feeling this way? He is dating Char.... "Because your eyes are sad. Tell me what's wrong." He says scooting closer to me and grabbing my hand. I pull away and walk into the kitchen and grab a cigarette. "You smoke?" He asks walking over to me. "Yeah...." I say lighting the end of the cigarette. He looks at me and then takes the cigarette from me. "Aye man what the fuck?" I say getting slightly pissed off. "What you want it?" He says and I know a back and forth battle is starting. "Yeah I do." "Come get it then." He starts walking to the back of my trailer which is my moms room. "Alic come on just give it back to me." "Nah I wanna make you fight for it." "Why?" I hit him lightly on the arm and just walk back into the kitchen and stand by the stove. He walks closer to me and stops right in front of me. I am hyper aware of how close his body is to mine.

"Shotgun it from me if you want it so badly." He says moving even closer so I feel parts of his body right on top of mine. "Okay." I say and lean up to shotgun it from him. 

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