Chapter 1

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The world is a completely different place now. Old abandoned buildings now stand refreshed and bold. Even the nature life seem to be blooming lively. Grey skies have disappeared elsewhere leaving the air above open and blue. The streets eliminated with life as humans and vampires walked amongst each other in peace. Things were turning for the better. No more slaves meaning no more running or hiding.

I peer over the high balcony over looking the town seeing the people coexists peacefully. A small smile finds its way to my lips in reluctance of this blissful difference. Strong arms wrap around my waist from behind as a head props itself on my shoulder.

"What are you doing out here you're going to catch a cold" his honey like voice whispers in my ear.

"I might not have your healing abilities but I can assure you that I'm perfectly okay" I respond while sinking back into his hold relaxing my muscles. He lifts his hand up to my forehead gently running his hand over the skin.

"You feel a little warmer than usual. I should get you inside" he presumes while tugging me backwards towards inside.

"Ronan" I say warningly as I turn around and slip out of his hold.

"Come on Miabella I don't need my Queen getting sick now with winter coming" he reasons walking over to me trying to tug me to indoors. I cross my arms and stick to my place unmoving.

"No I'm perfectly fine plus the cool air relaxes me" I reassure him. He gives me a sly smirk and in a flash he disappears from in front of me and I feel his hot breath now on my neck.

"I have other ways that can relax you" he whispers as he dips his head into the crook of my neck leaving chaste kisses along the smooth skin of my neck sending shivers throughout my body.

"Not today Romeo" I laugh at him as he looks at me giving me a fake offensive look.

"Why my name is Ronan, who is this Romeo? Do I have to rip his head off?" He replies in a somewhat serious tone even though I was only joking with him. I roll my eyes at his response and decide to head back inside our room. As I walk through the French doors and into our room I see that the fire place is already blazing in a wild orange. I take a seat on one of the chairs and grab the book I was currently reading off the side table next to me.

"I'll be in my office if you need anything and please stay by the fire I don't want you getting sick" Ronan says as he exits the room. I roll my eyes and turn back to the book in my hands.

It consisted of information about vampirism, all their heightened abilities and how they work, and the history of them leading back to the first vampire.

The tale of the first vampire is a Queen's only child was dying and there was no cure for him so she sought out a woman deep in the woods banished from everyone, believed that she practiced witchcraft, which was the only last resort to save her son. Turned out the rumors were true she was a witch, but she made a deal that if she saves the Queen's son that everyone shall forget about her and leave her and her kind alone. The Queen quickly accepted in desperation to save her son. When the witch did her magic the little boy sat up more lively but his skin got paler almost a blue, and his body was ice cold, his eyes turned a dark crimson. The Queen grew frightened and demanded to know what the witch did to her son. She simply said that she saved his life and she disappeared into thin air never to be seen again.

I couldn't imagine being that Queen, just wanting to save your son's life and end up having your son turn into something inhuman that you have no knowledge about must be scary.

I pick up the cup of coffee that sat on the side table. I bring it up to my lips to take a sip. As the liquid enters my mouth it's colder and no longer the warm temperature it should be. I put the coffee back down while sticking my tongue out in disgust at how bad it tastes cold.

All of a sudden I'm hit with an overwhelming feeling and without thinking twice I run straight to the bathroom. Instantly vile comes up and I'm left in sickness and my head spins a little.

As if on cue Ronan is standing behind me in the bathroom in a flash holding my hair back and rubbing circles into my back.

"I leave you alone for not even 5 minutes and you already managed to get sick" Ronan laughs jokingly.

"How did you know I got sick" I ask tiredly while flushing the toilet and sitting back resting my head against the wall.

"Mate bond" he says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. I only nod my head in response.

"It must have been the coffee" I say weakly.

"Here let me get you in bed." He lifts me up placing his one arm underneath my legs and the other behind my back. He swiftly bring me to our bed and sets me down as gentle as a feather. The soft silkiness of the sheets envelope my tired head pulling me towards sleep. I feel the sheets being pulled over me bringing warmth to my shivering body.

"Sleep well my love" he whispers while leaving a tender kiss on my forehead and tucking the sheets around me. My eyes are close as I start to welcome the darkness like an old friend. I hear Ronan's steps getting further away but suddenly they stop and the sound of a door slamming into a wall wakes me completely out of my sleepy trance. One of the guards stands there fright evident in his eyes as he speaks up.

"There's been an attack in the village."

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