Chapter 2

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Everything around me seemed to freeze in time. I was over looking the view of the village and was left in distress. The once refurnished and lively town was now erupting in a smoldering fire. Blood scattered across the brick walls of the buildings and drenched the ground in a river. My chest fell at the sight of the dead bodies that littered the streets and alley ways. My knees started to give way seeing the age of some of the people that laid there lifeless. Children. Who would kill children?

"Shh I'm right here" his soft voice cooes in my ear while holding me up. I didn't even know I was crying until I tasted the salty taste on my upper lip.

"I want to know who did this" I say trying to regain my composure. I'm a Queen now, I have to be stronger than this. Brushing myself off and standing up straighter I turn to Ronan to see him already looking at me, worry covers his facial features. As if making sure I wasn't just going to explode like a bomb he stood there for a bit before he nodded in response and turned to the guard that told us the terrible news.

"I want 30 guards searching the perimeters and 10 investigating the damage already done for any clues as to who could of done this. I also want to double the guards in village, this shouldn't of happened in the first place and for damn well won't happen again or I will reevaluate your position as leader of my men." The guard gulps harshly before giving Ronan a stern nod and quickly exits the room to follow his orders. 

I turn back towards the bloody sight. In a matter of seconds I didn't have time to retaliate to the bathroom as the vile comes up once again making me gag in disgust. Ronan's quick to my side helping me back into the castle and into our bedroom. He lays me on the bed once again and I just lay there drained of energy. He takes his hand and puts it over my forehead.

"Your even warmer than earlier. I think you've caught a fever. Get some rest, I'll have a maid bring you some soup" he says sweetly while softly running his hand through my hair sending shivers down my spine making my head spin in a peaceful bliss. 

Within minutes a maid appears in the doorway with a tray of remedies. As she neared me I noticed the steam coming from the freshly made soup, a cup of what I assumed was water, and medication pills to sooth my sickness. She shakily sets the tray on the side table next to me careful not to make eye contact with me as well. I mumble a 'thank you' in which she replies with a quick nod not wasting a second walking out of the room.

Without thinking twice I reach over for the bowl of soup only to have my hand swatted away. I look up at the person who interrupted me and my food to see Ronan with a stern look on his face.

"What do you think you're doing young lady?" He questions.

"Trying to eat my soup" I say confused reaching out for the bowl only to have him swat it once again.

 "What are you doing? Let me eat my soup Ronan" I add annoyingly. He shakes his head at me while lifting the bowl in his hold, his large hands completely enveloping the dish.

"I'm feeding you of course. Through sickness and health, remember?" He says with a cheesy smile. He holds a spoonful of soup in front of my face and I happily oblige. His smile widens in success as he feeds me the warm delicious admixture. After a couple minutes I manage to empty the bowl and my mind starts to feel drowsy. Ronan mindlessly runs his fingers through my hair sending waves of calmness through me.

Without warning a knock on the door interrupts the peaceful feeling Ronan's fingers were giving me. Too tired I lay there still unmoving waiting for sleep to consume me whole.

"We think we might have found who was responsible your highness" a voice speaks up, who I assume belongs to the leader of the search team.

Slightly I open my eyes to see Ronan's face a fixed motion. It looked as if he was trying to decide whether to stay with me or go and figure this disaster out. So I make the decision for him.

"Go. I'll just rest. We need to find out who did that, they need to be punished for what they have caused" I tiredly command him. He looks in dilemma for a few moments arguing within himself until he finally gives me a nod indicating he will go. He stands up by my side and leans over the bed and lays a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Take your medicine it will help you sleep." 

In a flash he left the room with the guard leaving me alone in my thoughts. Whoever caused that scene earlier will pay and I shall give no mercy to whomever it was. Quickly I take the medication and take a swig of water to help the pills go down my throat easier. Almost instantly the effect of the medicine takes a swing on my body and my last thought replies over and over in my head until slumber takes me. 

They will suffer.



Yaayyy an update! Sorry I'm so bad with updating :( I get very busy and I'm already behind on homework and I need to work because I'm a broke ass bitch so I need money that is only going to fly out of my wallet anyway but still I neeedd money haha.

Anyway what did you guys think? Some of your comments honestly give me life they are so funny, I love you guys!

But don't forget to comment, vote, and/or add this story to your reading list XD

Until next time xx


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