Chapter 4

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I couldn't believe it for a second. How was she still alive? Her and her family disappeared. I thought she was dead. The friend side of me is relieved to uncover that my best friend was still up and breathing but my Queen and leadership side wanted her punished and sentenced to death for what she has done to these innocent people. What am I suppose to do?

"Mia" his voice breaks me out of my thoughts. I look up at him to see his eyes filled with concern and curiosity.


"I've been saying your name for the past 5 minutes and you haven't responded. Are you okay?" He questions worriedly. To be honest, no I wasn't but he couldn't know that he already has enough on his hands. I'm not going to let an ex best friend get in the way of what's suppose to be done.

"Yes I'm fine. Do we have a location on their whereabouts?" I question trying to regain my composure and do what's right. Find them and punish them.

"Yes. In fact I'm having a meeting on a mission to send some of our men down where they are and seize them. Come, there is much more to discuss with everyone" he tells me as he links his hand in mine and pulls me along with him. I can't help but to smile to myself as I feel sparks ignite my skin. It seems like forever since I've felt this enticing feeling swirl through my veins. He hurriedly dragged me down the steps not wasting any second. I try to grabbing onto the railing to gain somewhat of support but fail since Ronan is tugging on my arm so much.

"Ronan slow down! I'm gonna trip and fall! I don't have your damn vampire speed!" I scream as I trip and my body starts to fall but he's quick to catch me and get me back on my feet.

"Don't worry I got you" he winks at me, sending shivers down my spine.

We continue walking down the stairs and get to the bottom and turned down a long narrow hallway. It was darker down this way, since most people weren't allowed down here unless they were Ronan or I, and either one of us called them in for a meeting of some sort.

We make it to the room as Ronan creeks the door open and there's already a couple of men in here including my father. Without a second thought I make my way towards him as he stands up and reaches his arms out for me.

"Miabella" he whispers into my hair.

"Dad" I whisper back leaning further into his body. He soon releases me out of his hold as he gives a stern nod to Ronan.

"Ronan" my father says monotone.

"Mr. Arksin" Ronan nods back genuinely while extending his hand towards my father. My father takes a hold of Ronan's hand and gives it a quick hard shake.

"You're treating my daughter well, I assume?" He questions going into father mode. Jesus dad.

"Yes I am sir" he replies with giving me a sly grin. and giving my forehead a kiss.

"Better be or-"

"Dad" I cut my father off in a warning to drop the nonsense.

"Alright my dear" he finishes while taking his place back in his seat. I walk around to where Ronan and I's seats are and sit.

"Okay, now shall we get started?" Ronan announces to the few men here.

They all nod their heads in response.

"So what do we have on their whereabouts?" Ronan asks them. I sit there silently anticipating to hear the answers to this crisis. I just hope I don't have to see her face to face. I don't know if I'd be able to contain myself from wanting to killing her, or wanting to give her a hug.

"We think we uncovered some underground hiding premises. We've come to terms that it's a high possibility that they are using this place to shelter in" one of the leading commanders says as he points and runs his fingers of the area of the place. I couldn't remember his name. He was an older vampire, he fought in the first war. No one really speaks of the first war or even dares to. I remember seeing a book about it in Ronan's library that was tuck away and hidden from all the others. I've only read the first couple pages since I haven't had much time to read it since I can only read it by myself. I can't read it around Ronan since he doesn't even know I have it. I keep it tucked away in one of my drawers in a secret compartment.

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