Chapter 10

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Sorry everyone that I haven't posted in awhile I've been extremely busy with starting my first semester in college and working as well.

I'm sorry to say that this will be the last chapter and the end of the Pureblood stories... I know very sad :(

I will be starting a new book called 'Sincerely, me.' it will a romance story and I can't wait to start it and share it with you guys!

So here it is the last and final chapter, enjoy.

-Cam xx


It's been 2 agonizing months since Ronan threw me down here in 'sanctuary' as he calls it. My stomach has grew massively as any day now I'll be expected to deliver and now I'm scared more than ever. One because the other day the rebels had moved in closer and a couple of the servants were caught as rebel spies meaning they have access inside and who knows how long they've been here before we found out. Then secondly, the beautiful creatures growing inside me. I'm scared for them and the world and situation they're coming into. Ronan is only letting 3 other people in the room besides himself because he's paranoid about the rebels coming near me and the birth of our children. Those 3 people being the doctor for obvious reasons, Lia, and my mother.

I was already laying in a hospital bed and all supplies need for the delivering of these babies were already present in the room in advance.

Most days I just lay here and let my mind wander to all the occurrences that has happened in my life. Everything has changed so much. I have changed so much. I've suffered through pain, heart ache, and damage to the bone but I've also thrived in courage, bravery, fearless, and learned to become a leader people listen and look up to. And above all I found love and happiness but if these rebels don't get put to rest I fear for that happiness and the lives of those around me even if it means having to kill my best friend since childhood.

A few hours pass by and one of the nurses had already brought in my dinner. I grab the tray filled with delicious smelling wonders and lay it on my lap. I take a bite out of the mash potatoes and sigh in satisfaction as I continue to eat more. As I'm finishing the savory meal the door slowly props open as a head pokes inside. My body relaxes and my heart warms in my chest from the sight of him like I'm seeing him for the first time again.

"How are you feeling?" his voice is soft and concerned. The bags under his eyes are dark and puffy evidence that he hasn't had any rest. He slowly and steadily takes small steps towards me as if I were to disappear if he were to move too fast. I smile as my gaze moves down to my bulging stomach. Gently my hands rub the cloth that covers the skin of my abdomen.

"We're good. Not much longer" I smile. I wonder what they'll look like. Will they have Ronan's piercing, captivating eyes? Or will they take after me with bright emerald eyes?

I'm drawn away from my thoughts as Ronan places his hand upon my stomach. He smiles softly, his eyes look drained of energy and glint of sadness. I place my hand on top of his and carefully rub my thumb across his skin. He looks up into my eyes as my breath hitches in my throat, even with tired eyes he still takes my breath away with one single look. He then takes his other hand and brings it up to my face to brush my hair back. Tenderly he places a kiss on my forehead.

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