Chapter 6

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I'm pretty sure this was the 5th time I walked down this corridor but I didn't care. What am I suppose to do now? Ronan doesn't even want kids. Great well it's his fault I'm even pregnant in the first place. Maybe I should call Lia. Maybe she'll know what to do.

"Maybe I'll know how to do what?" her voice interrupts my thinking. I turn and see Lia herself behind me with a bowl of popcorn in her hand while the other one brings it up to her mouth to eat it.

"Was I talking out loud?" I question nervously. She nods her head while continuing to eat her food. Her nose twitches as she sniffs the air.

"What is that smell?" She questions while her face contorts. I raise an eyebrow at her in confusion.

"Um I don't smell anything" I say uneasy. She sticks her nose in the air as she takes a couple steps closer to me. Her eyes widen as she slowly smirks.

"Oh this is good" she says her smirk getting wider if that was even possible.


"You're pregnant!" She exclaims while running to me and dropping her food to the ground making a mess everywhere.

"Shh! Don't say that!" I tell her while covering her mouth quickly. She licks hand which cause me to rip it away in disgust.

"What did Ronan say when you told him?" she asks. I give her a weary look. Her face falls in realization.

"You didn't tell him?" she asks again.

"No" I say cautiously.

"Why not?! God I'm going to be an aunt this is so exciting! I'm going to spoil the ton out of you, it. Whatever you are!" She screams while talking to my stomach. I slightly push her back.

"Lia you can't tell anyone especially Ronan" I plead.

"What? Why? Is it not his? Mia I love you like my sister but Ronan is my brother and I will beat the crap out of this other guy" she rambles as her arms fly all over the place as she paces back and forth muttering death threats under her breath.

"What? No. Jesus Lia he doesn't want kids!" I yell back at her as she stops in her steps. She stares at me for a few moments as if not believing the words I just said.

"But you're his wife. He loves you. There's no possible reason why he wouldn't want kids especially with you" she replies sympathetically.

"I don't know. I was going to tell him and then when the conversation of kids came up before I could confess and told me he didn't want any and now we have my best friend well she used to be before she went missing a while back, well now she is terrorizing the town and I don't want to stress him more and make any more problems. God Lia I don't know what to do" I fall to my knees and move so that my back is against the wall. I put my head in my hands running my fingers through my hair and slightly tugging at the strands.

I feel Lia's body slide next to me as she pulls me into her. My head rests on her shoulder and she rubs her hand up and down my back. Tears slowly fall from my eyes. I was in such a messed up situation. My old best friend that I thought was dead and is now alive and I can't even be happy about it because she is planning against me and the people that I have vowed to protect. And then this. I put my hands over my stomach rubbing the aching inside. I can't believe I'm going to have a child. A mini Ronan and I roaming around this palace. But he doesn't even want it.

"Don't stress it's not good for the baby" she whispers in my ear.

There it is again. Baby. Everything would be better if there was no baby. All my stress would be half of what it is now. I wouldn't have to worry about Ronan's thoughts and reaction to the creature growing inside my stomach because it wouldn't even exist. Yet I can't imagine getting rid of it. I haven't been pregnant long but I already feel the mothering pull to the infant. I've already grown protective for the fetus and I don't even know if it's a girl or boy yet.

I smile at the thought of what it will grown to look like. If it were a girl, I would finally have someone that I could dress up all girly like. She would for sure be a daddy's girl if only her father wanted her. And if it were a boy it would grow to be just like Ronan. And again Ronan he floods my worries, about this fetus growing inside my womb. I'm at a lost end. A dead end road, with no turn around.

"Lia what am I suppose to do" I quiver. She sighs deeply seeming to have similar thoughts to mine.

"No idea really. I suppose we would just have to take it step by step, day by day. There's not much else we can do" she declares.

"And what about when I start showing. Vampire fetus's grow faster than human's by almost 50%, but this child is not just a normal vampire it's a Pureblood so it's growth rate is even faster. This baby will be born within the next 3 months tops. I'll already be showing a little bump by the end of the week" I blubber quickly trying to regain my breath.

"We'll figure something out. But your lucky that I'm the only one with the heightened sense of smell or else Ronan would have been able to tell the moment he stepped foot in the house. But in a couple weeks your smell will get stronger and he'll know since it has his blood running through it's veins" she explains to me.

So now I have 2 options. I could tell Ronan before my scent gets stronger or I could just wait and he can find out from my scent. Why do I have the feeling that neither of the choices are going to end good.

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