Chapter 5

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I pace back and forth around the bedroom in front of the fire coming up with all the different scenarios that could happen. Okay I could tell him up front and just rip it off like a bandaid. Or I could make it a surprise set something up and tell him that way. Or I could just hold it off and tell him later? God I don't know what to do.

Will he be excited and happy?

Or will he be mad and furious and want nothing to do with the child?

We've never talked about starting a family. Neither one of us have mentioned anything about kids. Kids. I still can't believe I'm going to be having a baby. Why so soon? Maybe like a year or two down the road but now? This couldn't be an any worse time with these rebels on the loose and turns out their leader is my ex best friend. Why couldn't things be simple?

"Miabella are you alright you've been pacing around for 5 minutes and haven't answered my question?"

I snap my head towards the direction of the voice to see Ronan standing by the doorway with a stressful face. I smile awkwardly and nod my head too fast.

"Yeah everything's fine. Why wouldn't it be?" I ramble. Oh Jesus Mia you couldn't be anymore obvious that you're hiding something now could you? His eyebrow lifts as if he was debating on trusting my word or not but he just shrugs it off and moves on. He walks over to me as he grabs a hold of my hips and sits down in one of the chairs and guides me down to straddle his lap.

His lips find their way onto my neck as he leaves tender kisses along my smooth skin. His hands roam underneath my shirt as they rub small circles along my spine. His kisses trail up my neck and along my jaw until they attach to my lips. His tongue swipes across my bottom lip and I know where this is going to lead.

"I'm still sick I don't want to get you sick" I say while pulling back from the kiss. He rolls his eyes at me while playing with a strand of my hair.

"I'm a Pureblood tesoro. I don't get sick" he smirks as he leans in again.

"Well I still don't feel well" I quickly reply. He sighs in defeat and nods his head in understanding as he shifts his place so that my head is resting on his shoulder while he runs his fingers through my hair. I feel him place a lingering kiss on my head as he breathes in my scent and I feel his body go rigid.

"You smell different" he says in confusion. Shit. Damn you vampire abilities!

"Probably because I have yet to shower today" I say as an excuse even though I bathed this morning.

"No. No it's different, I can't put my finger on it" he says as he looks out to nothing in particular dozing off into his mind.

"Maybe I'm getting you sick" I tell him while awkwardly chuckling. He shakes his head at me while he laughs showing me his perfect smile.

"Don't be silly piccolo uccello" he kisses my check softly as he continues twirling my hair arounds his fingers.

We stay like this admiring the fire crackling inside the brick wall. The sound of the wound cracking was peaceful and had me at rest. His hands continue playing with my hair and massaging my head as he was humming a harmonious tune.

"What are you humming?" I ask him while keeping my eyes on the fire.

"It's a lullaby my mother used to sing to my brother and sister and I when we we're children. She would sing it whenever we we're scared and it would always calm our nerves" I hear the heart ache in his voice. He really misses his parents, especially his mother.

"It's a lovely tune" I add. She was an amazing women for the short time I knew her. She deeply cared for her family and would do anything for them. She always looked out for the people too. Putting everyone else before her self. She was a true Queen.

"Indeed it is" he replies as he continues softly humming.

"Your mother would be proud of you. Your father too" I say barely above a whisper but I know he heard me with his heightened abilities.

"I sure hope they are. You know funny thing actually is that my mother knew about my feelings towards you" he shyly chuckles. I sit up more so that my body is facing him and I'm looking into those cool blue eyes.

"Oh? And how's that? I didn't even know how you felt until you grew some balls and told me" I laugh back which cause him to laugh with me.

"Well the way I was acting. Very harsh and rude towards you. That's how my father was with my mother because he didn't know how to show affection well when he was younger like myself. I guess you could say I'm my father's son" he shakes his head, a distant smile on his face as his focus moves to the fire. I rest my head back on his shoulder as he rubs small circles into my back.

"My mother was very fond of you. Even when I was still technically suppose to be engaged to Vivian she would tell me to give her grandchildren as soon as possible" he said while laughing. I freeze at the ending of his sentence.

"Is that so? What did you say?" I ask nervously. Here it comes. Whatever he says will tell me whether to tell him or not.

"Yeah and obviously I told her no. It's too much responsibilities on top of being King. I would have to worry about keeping them in hiding away from everyone and I'm no where close to being ready for that. I'll leave it up to Lia or Bryce to give an heir" he concludes.

"Yeah I agree" I say weakly. Oh shit this isn't going to be good.

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