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Greg woke up, he found himself in a room filled with shelves and shelves of books. He assumed this was a library, but where? This definitely was not his school library or his local library so where was he? He gets up so he can look around, when suddenly he hears something, something unusual. It sounded almost like a bat squeaking in unison with a cats purr. Suddenly from behind him all the books start flying off the shelves up to the ceiling and disappear. Greg creeps towards the shelves when out of oblivion a cat like creature jumps through from the other side and lands in front of him. Greg jumps back in fright of what this creature might do to him, he takes a better look to try and figure out what this could be when he notices that it has bat ears and webbed feet. Greg recoiles from the monster as it screeches like a bat and pounces.

Greg turns and runs, he runs down one Isle if books and sees he has led himself into a dead end. He thinks as fast as he can sees the only option and takes it he starts climbing the book shelf, he hears the screeching of the monster and starts to rush making the shelf rock. He reaches the top just as the monster gets to the bottom. Greg starts to run across the top off the book shelves tipping over the one he leaped from, it topples over landing on flat on the monster which should have killed it but the creature appeard on the shelf right next to Greg and screeches.

Greg grabs a book and slaps it around the monsters face and runs for the door he sees right ahead of him. He's almost there when he notices that he will need to jump between two shelves. He stops as he hears the screech of that horrible monster and turns towards it, it pounces Greg screems and ducks. The monster flys over his head and falls to the floor with a crunch. Greg winces from the sound, the monster screeches again but this time it was different it was screeching in pain. Greg looks around him and to try find another way across but he doesn't see one. So he jumps.

Greg was amazed to find himself in one piece and on the other side. He starts running again and reaches the door he pulls on the handle and nothing happens so he pushes the door and nothing happens. Then Greg hears a man's voice, he turns to see a short man about his hight with blue hair, black eyes and a nose so thin it almost appeard flat. The man spoke again but this time Greg understood him he was saying to pull it up. Greg didn't understand, the man said it again. Greg looks at where his hands are and realises that the man meant the door, so he did and it flew open so fast that Greg didn't believe he possibly could have opened it. The man takes a stride forwards and starts gently pushing Greg through the door, so Greg walks through and on the other side is something so amazing he fell to the floor feeling his eyes roll back and his mouth fly open, and then it's black.

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