The Man in the Black Suit

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Greg and Billy reach the door to find Rose lying on the floor alone, Greg and Billy sit her up to find that her face is covered in cuts. Greg asks what happened and Rose replied the kidnapper came through the back window I tried to stop him but he had a knife. Billy rushes to the back window and sticks his head out, Greg asks if he can see anything Billy sais that there is nothing out there and that when they were back there the window was closed and that there were no smashes in it. Greg helps Rose back onto her feet, goes to the kitchen and finds some tissues to wipe the blood off Rose's face.

Rose thanks Greg and goes to the door outside she sees nothing, Greg comes and stands next to her and sees something. Greg asks what's that? Rose sais what? Greg sais is that a van? I think it is he sais pointing down the hill. Rose can't see anything, Billy comes out and can't see anything either. But then out of nowhere the van comes into the range of there eyesight, Rose and Billy's eyes widen as they both start to ask Greg how he knew when the van stops. Everything is silent, no one speaks. Greg shouts run and each of them one by one following Greg run around the house, the keep running up the hill. The van starts it's engine again driving after them at top speed, Greg ducks as a bullet shot from the driver flys towards him. Luckily missing but then more bullets are fired, one was about to hit Rose in the neck. Greg launches himself at Rose pushing them both down the hill, the hill starts to flatten out and they stop. Rose gets up and sees Billy running down the hill towards them, she sees Greg lying on the floor in front of her. She sais Greg come on we need to get moving the vans coming, but all she got for a reply was a groan.

She pulled Greg up and sees a large hole in his arm, she screems for Billy to come quick. Billy reaches her and his mouth flys open, he then sais that they should probably carry him to a safe place so they can look at him. Rose agrees so the fling one of Gregs arms over each of their shoulders and start to walk down the hill. They here the van coming closer until suddenly when they reach the bottom of the hill it stops it's engine, they turn around to see a man dressed in a black suit standing in front of them. The man reaches for Greg but out of nowhere Billy reaches for the man, when Billy's hand reaches the man's chest the man implodes leaving only a metal ring with a black scull carved into it...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2016 ⏰

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