The voice of thousands

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Greg, Rose and Billy run towards the large orb in the centre of the elegant room. When they are centimetres away from the orb it's light starts to glow so bright that they are all forced to close they're eyes, as they are in arms reach of the orb it explodes. Sending them flying away from the centre orb pushing them out back to the circles, but this time the centre orb speaks. Thousands of voices come from the orb and speak, Three friends must unite to find the weapon of thousands to find the bow that stops time. Then it is silent every sound stops except a soothing hum from the orb, Greg sais what is this place? Why is it so weird? Rose replies I don't know, but I do know that running at the orb didn't get rid of any of these symbols. Billy walks round the orb to Greg and sais Greg your symbol seems to have smudged into some weird circle thing 🌀.

Rose walks over and sais Billy it was on his eye wasn't it? Because now it's on his forehead. Billy sais oh yeah that's odd how could it have moved so far? Greg starts to speak when suddenly the orb starts to glow again, it starts to float upwards until it reaches the ceiling then stops. Three beems of light shoot out of it and place themselves onto Greg, Rose and Billy. The lights start to spin pulling each of them with it, as it spins the lights start to lift them up and up and up. Until they reach the ceiling and then it stops, just before there heads would have collided with the ceiling. The light starts to dim as though it's going to go out when suddenly the three of them all disappear, leaving only a cloud of smoke. Rose, Greg and Billy wake up on the side of a mountainside. They get onto there feet and take a look around, up on the hillside there is a small shack with crops surrounding it. It has two smashed windows and a few holes in the wooden walls, they all walk over to the shack. As they reach the door they hear a screem from inside, Greg pushes the door open with so much force it falls off its hinges. In the corner of the room is a woman and a baby, the woman screems. Rose rushes towards them and asks what has happened.

The woman replies saying that her husband was just taken by a man and that the kidnapper was coming back, Greg and Billy go back outside ready to beet the kidnapper. Rose stays inside trying to calm the woman down, outside Greg and Billy start to wonder around the house to try find this kidnapper. Suddenly behind the house something rumbles, they both rush to the back of the house when they hear Rose and a muffled voice screem. They run back round the house to the door...

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