chapter 5 - Reality Bites Me

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From 1.03 "To Kill a Mocking Girl", in Ezra's classroom, Aria walked in.

Peyton: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Pretty Little Liars)"

Aria looked at Ezra. "Hey."

"Hey," Ezra told her.

"Do you have plans this weekend?" Aria asked.

From 1.01 "Pilot", in the bar's bathroom, Ezra and Aria were making out.

Ezra: (voice over from 1.03 To Kill a Mocking Girl) "I think we should talk about the homework assignment."

From 1.03 "To Kill a Mocking Girl", in the photo booth, Emily and Maya kissed.

Emily: (voice over from 1.02 The Jenna Thing) "I think there's something wrong with me."

Maya and Emily opened the curtain, walking out of the booth.

Emily looked at the photo dispenser to find it empty. "Where are the pictures?"

From 1.04 "Can You Hear Me Now?", in the chemistry room, Emily and Toby sat at their table.

Emily opened her chemistry book, flipping through the pages until she saw the pictures from the photo booth in 1.03 To Kill a Mocking Girl.

Toby looked up.

Emily slammed her book closed.

From 1.03 "To Kill a Mocking Girl", in the Kahn barn, Hanna was crying, looking at Sean. "Any guy at this party would be happy to be with me."

"We've already talked about this, okay?" Sean asked.

From 1.03 "To Kill a Mocking Girl", outside the Kahn House, People were partying just as much on the outside as the inside.

Hanna walked past all the people, toward Sean's car.

Madison saw her, noticing that her older sister was upset. "Hanna." Hanna ignored her, walking toward Sean's car. Madison followed her. "Hanna." Hanna got into Sean's car. "Wait, why are you taking Sean's car? Hanna!"

Hanna drove away, leaving.

Madison watched her go in complete confusion.

From 1.03 "To Kill a Mocking Girl", on the road, It was revealed that Hanna had wrecked the car against a tree.

Hanna walked away, crying.

Tom: (voice over from 1.04 Can You Hear Me Now?) "You will work off the cost of repairs in Sean's mother's office."

From 1.04 "Can You Hear Me Now?", in the school hallway, Pen, Peyton, Lucy and Madison were standing at Pen's locker.

Peyton looked disconcerted.

"Okay, what's a Golden Orchid?" Lucy asked.

Peyton turned to face her friends. "It's a national competition for historical writing."

From 1.03 "To Kill a Mocking Girl", in the Hastings House's kitchen, Peyton uploaded Melissa's essay onto her laptop. She looked at the top right hand corner.

Melissa Hastings

AP Russian History


Peyton changed it to:

Peyton Hastings

AP Russian History

Worlds Colliding (Pretty Little Liars) Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now