chapter 12 - Salt Meets Wound

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From 1.10 "Keep Your Friends Close", in the parking lot, Hanna and Madison turned to see a car barreling toward them.

Pen: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Pretty Little Liars)"

"Hanna, no!" Madison told her.

Madison hurriedly pushed Hanna out of the way, trying to run out of the way, but she was hit in the process by the car, flipping over it to the ground, landing badly.

From 1.10 "Keep Your Friends Close", in the woods, Ezra and Aria were making out in his car. Noel was writing 'I see you' on the back windshield.

Madison: (voice over from 1.10 Keep Your Friends Close) "I saw you in the woods, writing a message on a teacher's car window."

From 1.11 "Moments Later", in Madison's hospital room at night, Madison was lying in her bed, talking to Noel. 

"It was a joke, and I wanted to scare them," Noel told her.

"Don't say anything to anyone," Madison told him. "Okay, I don't want anyone to get hurt. Promise me."

"All right," Noel told her. "I promise."

From 1.11 "Moments Later", in Emily's room, the Fields were talking.

Pam took out the picture that she had received in the mail from A, along with a note. She handed the pictures to Emily, and a note from A to Lucy. "What is this?"

The pictures were of Emily and Maya kissing.

The note said:

Wanna know what's jumping your daughters? Emily's kissing a girl, and Lucy's curious about both. Don't believe me? Ask them!

-- A

Emily and Lucy both looked upset and near tears but not surprised by this coming from A to force them to confront their parents.

Pam: (voice over from 1.11 Moments Later) "Why didn't they tell us?"

From 1.11 "Moments Later", in the living room of the Fields House, Mara, Pam and Wayne were talking while Lucy and Emily were listening from the hallway while they were sitting on the stairs.

"They were afraid of how both of you would react," Mara answered. She looked at Pam. "So you cannot blame Maya."

"No, but I can stop this from going on further," Pam told them.

"You don't have to like this," Mara told them. "If you can't be happy about it, then at least be there for them. All they need to know right now is that they're not alone."

From 1.08 "Please, Do Talk About Me When I'm Gone", in the park, Lucas was destroying Alison's memorial, but his face was never shown.

Wilden: (voice over from 1.09 The Perfect Storm) "Somebody decided to pay a visit to Alison's memorial."

From 1.09 "The Perfect Storm", in the school hallway, Spencer, Peyton, Alex and Veronica were standing together.

"Mom, this is Alex Santiago," Peyton told her.

Veronica nodded. "From the club."

From 1.11 "Moments Later", in the kitchen of the Hastings House, Spencer, Peyton, Dakota, Aria and Pen were talking to Melissa and Ian.

"We're married," Melissa told them.

"What just happened?" Dakota asked.

From 1.11 "Moments Later", in Madison's hospital room, the girls noticed the A message on Madison's casted leg.

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