Chapter 16

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Hey guys, I just wanted to say, thank you so much for 1k reads, it means a lot to me, making this my most popular book, thank you again, now on with the chapter.

(YN)'s POV:

I locked myself in one of the rooms and sat on the double bed. My eyes watered and I couldn't hold it in any longer, letting my warm, salty tears cascade down my (ST) face. Red marks were left in its path, my eyes turning red and blood shot. I muttered things along the lines of, "This is all my fault." And "I never should have let them go alone." I rocked myself back and forward, trying to clear my head, trying to think of why they would want Liv, precious, young, innocent Liv, and who would want- Laughing Coffin! They wanted me but I escaped, their trying to lure me to them, probably going to make a deal, a trade, myself for Liv, making her safe and out of harms way. Was their a way we could both get away alive? No, we'd be out numbered, two to what, twenty? Maybe Klein could help? I should ask him and see if him and his guild could help out in retrieving her.

It's been about half a hour since I have come out the room and I have finally calmed down enough to leave the room and manage to muster the confidence to speak with the other two. I unlocked the wooden door and looked across the hall at the room the others we in. I sighed heavily and closed my eyes  'I can do this...' I thought. I opened my eyes and turned the knob on the door, pushing the door open gently. Kirito was sitting at a small table near the corner of the room, Max lying on the bed, probably taking a nap. With Kirito's detection and hearing skill so high, he could sense my presence the moment I stepped into the silent room.
"(YN)..." He trailed of and got out the wooden chair and started walking towards me.
"I'm sorry... I-" I started but was cut of by a gentle pair of lips pushing against my own. He pulled away and looked at me worried.
"You didn't overeat, I know how much you care about them..." He said pulling me into a tight grip.
"Erm... I think I figured out where she is..." I said, leaning into his hug, closing my eyes and resting my head in the crook of his neck.
"Tell me, we can get her back safely." He stroked my (HC) locks and rested his hand on the back of my head.
"The Laughing Coffin have her, they probably want a deal, her for me, they know I'll do anything for them..." I trailed off and felt Kirito tense at the mention of the guild name, 'Laughing Coffin.'
"If you have a plan to get you both out there alive, I would be delighted to hear it." He said.
"Would Klein be generous enough to help, like I know he's your friend and all but do you think he would be willing to help us, with his guild of course." I explained.
"I can try messaging him, though you should probably head back to Lizbeth's, she's been nonstop massaging me and I highly doubt she wants to see me ever again." He said, in a joking tone near the end of his words. 
"Oh yeah, I can do that, just please message Klein and we can save Liv quicker, I don't even want to imagine what their doing to her at this moment in time." I said in a horrified tone of voice, opening my (EC) eyes and pulling away from our embrace.

I reached Liz's shop in a matter of minutes, opening the wooden door, signalling the small tinkle of the brass bell to sound. The pinkette was by her work station, bent over in concentration, looking at something deeply. "Um... Liz?" I asked tentatively.
"(YN)! I didn't hear you come in, how are you?" She asked looking up from what she was doing.
"I'm OK... I guess..." I replied, looking down before my (EC) eyes were shown to be on the brink of tears.
"OK then, you came to get your swords I guess." She sounded too happy, then again, I was probably just too sad.
"Yeah... I'll pay for them then go if that's alright." I asked nervously, my head still bowed.
"Sure!" She replied and to her counter and bent down under it, rummaging around. I took this moment to rub my eyes and get the tears out of them, hoping it wouldn't look too obvious. Apparently it hadn't as she was still as jolly and cheerful as she was a few moments ago. She gave me four swords... Four...
'Not now (YN). Don't cry now!' I instructed myself. I held it in and tried my best to look grateful and force a fake smile to appear on my lips.
"Th-thanks L-Lizbeth." I stuttered.
"No problem! Now off you go to Max... Kirito," she said Kirito's voice with hate lacing into her tone, "and Olivia!" At the mention of Liv's name I nodded quickly and ran out the door, biting my bottom lip so hard that it bled.

I ran as quickly as I could back to the inn, slamming the door at the entrance of the building behind me. I ran towards the stairs and bolted up them as to avoid anyone seeing me in this weak state of mind. I headed straight towards the room Max and Kirito were located before I left, opening the door to see both boys there in the room, playing what looked like a game. "H-hey..." I managed to squeak out, my body trembling.
"Mom! Your back! Where were you?!" Max shouted, bolting to his feet and latching himself onto my waist.
"Ye-yeah, I'm b-back..." I breathed out and forced a smile, hoping it was going to look realistic enough, thankfully pulling it off.
"(YN), I messaged Klein, he will allow us to seek help of his guild and him." Kirito interjected.
"Thank you... Thank you..." I muttered over and over again.
'We are one step closer to getting Liv back...' I thought.

*Timskip: 3 days later.*

Kirito's POV:

Today we were going to launch our plan of action and get Liv back... For Max... For (YN)... For me... For all of us... If we managed to do this as we had gone over countless times, we could pull it off and make sure neither (YN) or Liv have to to stay there. This was the life changing moment, life and death situation, what will become of it... Of everyone...

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