Chapter 27

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(YN)'s POV:

My eyes were wide as I saw Kirito standing there, looking slightly restless. The others were nowhere to be seen, or not that I could tell. "Yes (YN)... I'm so sorry..." he sounded on the verge of tears and looked at me dead on. His eyes had that crystallised look in his eyes that most do when they are on the verge of tears, almost like a glass cover.

Kirito's POV:

"Don't worry about that now... thank you Kirito... Thanks for saving me..." (YN) murmured.
"It's alright. As long as you're, that's all matters to me." I sighed. "Ever since you left, I've been worried sick about you. We looked on every floor and then finally the one we found you on."

I filled (YN) in on everything that happened, before it got too late and (YN) and I were both exhausted. As I turned to leave the room to sleep somewhere else, most likely the living room, before I heard (YN)'a quiet voice. "I-I forgive you, Kirito. Please just... please stay..." in one way or another, it sounded like she was desperate, and I couldn't deny the fact that I still had feelings for her and I was deeply worried, so I agreed.

I laid next to the girl who had caused so much of my worry recently, and put one arm around her waist, and moved some of her (HC) hair out of her face. "What happened really, (YN)?" I asked her, my voice quieter than usual.
"As soon as you... you know, said what you did - I left and I didn't stop for anything. You found me and now I'm here." She explained rather briefly, leaving me to believe there was more to it; this can't be it.
"Are you sure because..." I cut myself off, my voice fading into nothing when all I heard coming from her was even, heavy breaths; she had fallen asleep.

Without realising, I had fallen asleep, and when I woke up the next morning, (YN) was curled up against me, clinging onto me for dear life.
   I rested my hand on her arm before gently shaking her awake. "You okay?" I asked her when she finally woke up, blinking rapidly.
"I... Yeah." She replied, gulping slightly. "I'm just scared that Asuna will find me again." She admitted.
"I'll protect you this time, you won't get-" (YN) started violently coughing, heaving and I saw her HP bar drop slightly. This was something I hadn't seen before. "Are you sure you're okay?" I checked, pressing my hand to her face. Usually, because the game was a game, there was no heat; but that had changed.

Heat radiated from (YN), causing her HP to drop further. There was something happening, weather it be a in game problem, or if there was something wrong in the real world. "We should get you checked out again; we can go later, we just need to sort Liv and Max out first." She started coughing again, lurching over and depleting more of her health.
"Good idea." She responded before leaning on me.
"(YN)... I really am sorry though." I spoke when the silence after (YN)'s words resonated.
"Kirito, I forgive you, I promise; I understand. Everything was happening, and I don't blame you." (YN) reassures before gingerly kissing my cheek.
Turning to her, I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her into me, kissing her lips gently. "Thank you..." I murmured and felt (YN) fall back slightly, making me kneel over her. We broke apart when the door opened, making us look up quickly, shocked.

Two small bodies fell through the door and collapsed on the floor. "Yah!" (YN) called playfully, Max and Liv started laughing. "You two should learn to knock." She lectured, a smile on her face.
"But we wanted food...!" Liv explained, and I saw (YN) laugh slightly before covering her mouth and breaking out into a coughing seizure.

The four of us found food before heading to the nearby clinic, making an appointment in the empty reception room, and between (YN) and I, the siblings sat down with us beside them.

Third Person POV:
(In Real Life/Time)

"Her heart rates going down!" One of the many doctors in (YN)'s room called after checking the heart monitor that was hooked up to the girl. All of the SAO players that were still alive after the initial 'first-day' were brought into the hospitals that were all around the world.
   (YN) and Kirigaya were in Japan's most used hospital, but so was Asuna.
   The doctors crowded around the young girls and checked everything from her temperature to her vitals. Her temperature had risen greatly and was no long stable. Ever since everyone came to the hospital, Doctors found out that player's temperatures only ever changed when their health was being lost, when they were dying even.
   With (YN), this was rare; the boards that displayed player's ranks in-game, reported that both Kirigaya and (YN) were skilled players, both at the top.
"Locate her in game; what's she doing?" A nurse was sent to sort out the request and when she did, what (YN) was doing displayed on her hospital room television.
   She was with Kirito in the doctors room, having the NPC that resembled her mother look over her.

There were two kids in chairs beside them, watching the older players, along with the NPC, converse.
"Anything, I'll pay for anything; please..." Kirito asked, holding onto his lover's hand gently.
"There isn't anything we can do, we have to leave it to the real world. They need to give her something to stop the high fever and stop her from being sick; somethings been having an effect on her in the real world. She's probably been... injected with a drug but we have no-"

And the power cut out.

And I'm back! Sorry, I was doing the book on my other account when I knew that I nearly had this done, but to have it now; I'm really sorry for the lateness of it and I have the people who responded to my question from the last chapter (about ideas) - you know who you are 😄

And now for the self-promotion that I hate doing...
   If you like BTS, there is a book written by 01_Jungkook_Suga_09 (my other account) that is about BTS and an OC band. On this account, there will also be an 'Adopted By BTS' book that is a reader insert.

I've gone on way too long...
See you in the next chapter.

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