Chapter 24

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Kirito's POV:

"Yui, this is Max and Liv. They won't hurt you, I promise." (YN) assured. Yui looked cautious at first, though softened up when they smiled at her. She returned a small smile and (YN) smiled to herself.
"We need to talk." (YN) said, slightly serious. I nodded in reply and she took my hand, taking me to the other side of the room.
"What is it (YN)? Please just tell me." I asked the girl in front of me.
"Where did she come from? I'm worried about her, that's all." She confirmed. I pulled her into a hug and she put her head on my chest and breathed deeply.

"Everything will be OK. We can go and ask for reports at any local place for children today." I reassured her. She nodded gratefully and I kissed her gently and quick. She kissed my cheek and went back to the others. Later on in the day, we had lunch, well (YN) was going to cook it. I requested something spicy while Max and Liv wanted sandwiches.

(YN) decided on making us something with chilli and such in, Max, Liv and Yui having sandwiches. While she was in the kitchen area, Max, Liv and Yui were talking about something or other, laughing occasionally. I was just sorting through my inventory, getting rid of anything I really didn't need. A while later, (YN) came into the room holding some plates for the siblings and Yui. She gave them their plates and then went back to get our food. We sat around the table and ate the food we were given. Yui was looking at (YN)'s plate, her head tilted slightly.
"You want some?" (YN) asked the young girl. Yui nodded. "Be careful, it's hot." She warned. (YN) put some on Yui's plate and Yui ate it slowly and cautiously. Her eyes sparkled as she smiled. (YN) chuckled to herself as she watched the black-haired girl.

(I can't remember this so please just go along with it!)

Later on in the day, we went to some of the places (in the Town Of Beginnings) where the children were. I had Yui on my shoulders, Max and Liv holding (YN)'s hands. We arrived at about 3 and they hadn't heard or seen Yui before. We came to the forth when we saw some men in armour talking to what I assumed was the woman in charge. "Come on. Pay up!" The leader of the men in armour ordered.
"Give us time please! We just need some time!" The woman begged. I could sence (YN) getting mad, angry even.
"Leave them alone will you!" (YN) shouted at the men. Their attention turned to her.
"Says who?" The leader taunts.
"Says me." She replied, as if it were obvious.

(YN) opened her inventory, getting her (FC) sword out into her hand. "Leave them alone!" She demanded for the second time. She pointed her sword at the leader, threatening him.
"I don't suppose you could pay for it?" He smirked.
"I could but I want them to have their time!" Damn she was getting inpatient, not that I don't like it. He turned back to the woman.
"Next month. You better have it or we're closing you down." The man promised before leading his men off to somewhere else.

The woman thanked (YN) numerous times, (YN) just smiling, reassuring that it was OK. "Now, what are you here for?" The woman asked kindly.
"We need to ask you a question." (YN) replied.
"Have you ever seen this girl?" I motioned to Yui, who was still on my shoulders.
"No I haven't dears. I'm afraid I haven't seen her around before." The woman replied solemnly.
"Well, it was worth a try..." (YN) sighed.

*TimeSkip to When They Go In A Dungeon*

The five of us were walking around the dungeon. It wasn't too hard, but wasn't the easiest. Until we came across the boss. It was labels with a tag reading: 'The Skull Reaper'. "Max, Liv, Yui and (YN). Go over there." I instructed.
"Are you mad?" (YN) asked.
"Just trust me." I reassured. (YN) was hesitant but went, bringing the younger ones with her.

I took out my sword's and started to attack the monster in front of me. A while later, the beast was at half of it's health and I had half of mine. We were both going at each other. It swung at me fast and cut my chest. My health lowered rapidly and was at roughly 20 health points. "No! Yui! Come back!" I heard (YN) shout. I saw Yui run out in the corner of my eye and (YN) ran after her.
"It's alright. Mommy, Daddy." She came and stood in front of me, when the boss struck her.

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