The Beast

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I turned around at the sound to find nothing but a empty, dark hallway that was only lit by the occasional candle. A grand staircase that led upstairs was right in front of me, the rail winded up and done the halls on either side. I saw no one, not a soul.

"Monsieur, you cant be here!" I heard another voice. I turned in the direction of the sound again and still didn't find it's source.

"You must go!" This time, the voice sounded female. I pushed my hand to my forehead, and just as I thought, I was burning up. Its the fever. I figured. Its all in my head, i'm
imagining things. I stated walking down the dark hallway that was straight ahead. Maybe I will find someone who isnt a figment of your imagination.

"Monsieur, don't go that way." The original voice spoke up again.

"Oh?" I turned around and saw a strange man holding a candle to light the darkness. "And why not?"

"Because our master will see you. I beg of you, turn around and go back to where you came from."

I began to hear small whispers coming from
all sides of me, but only darkness surrounded me. I turned every which way and held my hands to my ears to block out the noise. "Stop!" I cried. "Please. Stop!"

"SILENCE!!!" A fearsome roar shook the castle to its very foundation. The pleas and warning for me to leave ceased immediately, leaving behind no trace they were ever there.

"Sir?" I squeaked. In front of my shaking form stood a dark shadowed figure. From the candle light that flickered on the wall, I saw his navy blue cape that tumbled down to his feet. His blue hood was lifted over his face, but the rest of his image was lost to the shadows.

Before I could think about what was happening, the figure reached out and grabbed me by my throat, sinking it claw like fingernails into my skin. I scratched at the intruders hand, gasping like a fish out of water. I felt myself being dragged into the darkened castle. All I had to allude me of my surroundings was the dimmed light and my feet being dragged on the floor behind me. He pulled me across a lush, carpeted floor, then I felt the cold shock of wet stone tiles. "Pick up your feet!" My attacker said, his words sounded rough and almost choppy. As if he was a animal learning to speak like a human.

I didn't understand his command until i felt the floor dip down several times. Still gasping and grabbing at his meaty fingers, I concentrated on lifting my feet as we traveled done the stone staircase.

I felt myself blacking out due to lack of oxygen, but I could faintly hear the sound of another  voice in the distance.

"Master, he is ill." The voice pleaded. "He needs a doctor. Please let him go."

"He is an intruder!" He sneered. "Leave us! I have the situation under control."

"Y-yes master."

Soon, I heard the sound of  a rusty iron door being thrown open. My attacker threw me into the caged cell roughly, slamming the door shut.

(Belle's P.O.V)

The faint sound of thunder boomed over my head, arousing me from my sleep. I squinted my eyes shut and scrunched my nose, trying to block out the gray rays of sun. I threw my hand over my face, but then winced in pain. Oh yeah, I broke my wrist...

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