Kill the Beast!

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We made our way through the town, everyone looked at me as if they saw a ghost.

"Poor girl." I heard them say.

A few people actually gave me there condolences. Everyone seems to already count my father as dead, but he wasnt gone yet.

"Belle," the bookstore clerk ran over to me, and pulled me into a big hug. "Im so happy to see you dear." He pulled away looked at me. "And your poor father."

"He'll be alright." I said wearily. "As long as he is breathing, there is hope."

"Dear?" He asked confused. "You mean, they haven't told you?"

I was about to ask him what he meant by that when my hand was suddenly ripped in the opposite direction.

"Belle!" Gaston said dramatically. "Oh my darling Belle." He smushed my face against his chest, rubbing circles on my back. "Oh! How I have missed you. Come, we have much to discuss."


He stomped his way into the house. "May I take your cloak, my love?"  He reached for me, but I hurried out of his reach.

"Papa?" I ran through the house, calling for him. "Papa?" I looked in every room, but Gaston had a pretty small house, bigger than mine but small nonetheless. There wasn't much space to hid my father.

"Where is he?" I pleaded.

Gaston held me to his cheste. "Oh my sweet darling." He leaned down fast, trying to capture my lips. But I turned away in time and his lips fell to my cheek.

"What are you doing?" I shrugged out of his grip, to no avail.

He laughed in my face. His breath reeked  of beer. "Kissing my wife. This is my way of helping you morn my love."

"Your drunk." I said venomously.

"Am I?" He retorted. He grabbed my face in his large hands and forced our lips to touch. He pushed his tongue into my mouth and it wormed its way down my throat. I bit his tongue and stomped on his foot at the same time, causing him to jump back.

"What kind of man are you?" I laughed, but there was no humor in it. "Are you so desperate that you would force me to be with you?"

He smiled his wicked smile. "Oh my dear, how long can you deny your husband?"

"You are not my husband."

"Oh?" He walked to me confidence in his eyes. He reached into his pocket and fished out a tattered letter, offering it  to me.

"What is that?"

"The last letter your father ever wrote."

"What do you mean?" I ripped the letter from his hand. My eyes bounced from left to right as I searched the paper. "No." I whispered.

"Your father wanted us together Belle. He promised me your hand."

"No!" I said louder.

"I saved you, I marry you." He poked at the paper. "That was the deal, that was his wish."

"La Fu, he said you were taking care of him. He said that-" I pushed the hair out of my face, suddenly becoming hot. "He lied. You lied! This, this is-"

"Come now dear wife." He pushed me to the wall, holding me by my waist so I had no where to go. "I saved you from that hideous beast. You should be thanking me."

"I didn't need to be saved!" I screamed. "He was kind, and loving. He was intriguing and intelligent! He was a perfect gentleman!" I pushed at his chest again. "And he would never force a lady like this."

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