Breakfast With The Beast

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I woke up, my fluffy pillows were scrunched up and thrown all over the floor. The balcony doors were open, and the chilly breeze whisked the white curtains into the air. Across the room on my dresser was a silver tray baring a plate full of french toast dusted in powdered sugar, fluffy scrambled eggs, and 3 strips of crisp bacon. Maple syrup for dipping was in a silver container on the side, along with a tall glass of water. A napkin and a note were folded up nicely on the tray as well. I picked it up and began reading, munching on a piece of bacon.


We are terribly sorry for the master's behavior last night. on his behalf, please except this apology breakfast. There is some ointment to soothe the pain and heal the scar in the nightstand  if you require it.

With love, Lumiere.

I frowned, remembering  the events of last night. All the fear that laced my heart was suddenly replaced by anger. I cringed, thinking about how weak I must have looked last night, grasping at my throat in surprise while sprawled on the floor. I reached up to my neck out of habit, as I examined myself in the mirror. The tenderness was gone for the most part, but nasty purple bruises were left as an awful reminder of my assault.

As angry as I surly was, I  was not quite sure I had the imagination or the patients to seek revenge on my captor. Maybe the better option was simply to run away. But that, unfortunately, wouldn't be for a long time due to my injured ankle.

I heard a knock on my door, and I bid the person to enter into my room. " Good mornin' my dear." Piped Mrs. Pots. "How... how is the..." she rubbed her neck, referring to my bruise.

"Its wonderful, thank you. I've always liked the color purple." I said sarcastically, with a light smile on my face.

"Ohh" Mrs. Pots made an expression mixed with amusement and seriousness. "Don't make light of this situation, my lady.  His actions were way out of line. The last thing we want you to feel is uncomfortable."

"Uncomfortable?" I turned away from her and back to my breakfast. "Maybe it would be good for me to stay that way. I was too comfortable yesterday, thinking I could reason with that beast of a man."

"Master Adam has his...flaws." Mrs.Pots said carefully. "But so do the lot of us. If you are to remain in this castle, you must learn to see the true Adam, instead of the 'master' he comes across as." I scrunched my eyebrows to the center of my face, giving her a angry look. "Still, I am not excusing his horrid behavior for last night. In all honesty, you two should make an effort to understand each other."

I huffed. "Fat chance the brute will be able to understand anything but violence."

"Which is why I prepared a special breakfast for the two of you." She grabbed my plate of deliciousness from me and gave me a smug, motherly grin.

"What!" I said horrified. "No no,  I am perfectly content with this lovely meal." I reached for the plate like a whinny infant.

She held the dish way out of my grasp. "Ah ah ah, I insist."

"But what if he attacks again?"

"Trust me, he wont."


I sat at one end of the lavish wooden table that was decorated with delectable dishes (none of which I had an appetite for) and... HE sat on the other.

I now knew why Mrs.Pots assured me of my safety. Adam was tied to his chair by several pieces of rope.

"Now you two, enjoy your breakfast." she said happily. "This will be your routine for the rest of your stay Mademoiselle Belle; every meal will be eaten at the table with the Master." She turned to Adam, who was completely restrained except for his mouth. "I do hope we can get rid of those awful ropes by the next meal time, so you two can enjoy your meal in a civilized manner." He let out an annoyed growl under his breathe.

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