Castle in the Woods

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Of course, Papa was not alright. His illness was getting drastically worse, and we still had no clue what he had. Often, I found him lying miserably in bed, coughing up blood. I only had to assume it was something serious, maybe even tuberculosis.

I couldn't risk the illness developing into something worse, so I told father we would go into the city and immediately and visit a doctor. Papa was against the idea and told me it was his job to take care of his daughter, not the other way around.

"But how can you take care of me if your dead, Papa?" That convinced him I suppose, because the very next day we found ourselves packed and ready for our little trip into town.

I made sure Papa was nice and snug underneath a well worn blanket before I guided our horse Philip into the darkness of the woods.

We traveled for a couple hours in silence. Papa was sleeping peacefully in the back of the wagon and I could feel myself getting tired. My eyelids were growing heavier and the sharp winds cut through the fabric of my dress. I stopped Philip in the middle of path so I could reach in the back of the wagon to retrieve my heavy wool cloak, but as I did, I heard animistic howls in the distance.

"Wolves?" I whispered to myself. As if on que, I heard ferocious growling coming from beside the wagon. To my horror, it sounded like a pack of wild beast instead of one. Philip nervously whinnied at the new threat and began stomping his hooves on the ground.

"Papa." I whispered. I shook his shoulders lightly until I saw the creases in his forehead move, indicating he was awake. "Papa wake up, we have trouble." I suppose he became aware of the vicious sounds coming from all about us because he started to jerk around. I calmed him the best I could. "No. Stop making a scene. You'll startle them."

"What are we going to do?" He whispered.

"I bought the shot gun." I forgot to reload it before we left home, but it should still have a few bullets left. "I'm going to shoot as many as I can while you run away." I said quickly. "Better yet, you can ride Philip. I dont know where too, but you have to leave as fast as you can."

"But, Belle." He pleaded.

I shook my head and ran a frozen hand down his fevered face. "If either one of us has a chance, I have to stay here and at least scare them off. When I run out of bullets, I'll have to find somewhere to hide." I smiled at him the best I could. "It'll be alright, Papa." I assured him.

Slowly, he climbed to front of the wagon and mounted our frightened stallion. The blonde haired horse was more than ready to take off, all I needed to do was unhook his rings.

"How will I find you?" Papa asked.

I finished loosening the restrictions as I looked up at my frightened father. "Where there's a will, there's a way." And with that, I slapped Philips brown backside, and he was off.

A few wolves took off after the horse before I could grab my shot gun. Please God. Keep Papa safe! I prayed.

I searched frantically in the back, and I didn't have to wait long before I found the long and narrow black barrel. I picked it up and aimed it directly at my first target. I knew I couldn't afford even one mess up.

I shot the first one dead, then another one came forward, barring its teeth at me protectively. BANG! I didn't hesitate to give that one the same fate. Eventually, the last 3, or what I thought were the last 3, ran away with their tales between their legs. I sighed in relief and dismounted the wagon.

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