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Well, my birthday came to an end, and my life flew right back to normal, I mean, it wasn't meant to last long, but within the short period it did, I found myself so happy....

I might look like an over pampered kid right now, I mean, with all the whining and complaining, but I only wanted to be happy without the money, cars and material things around me.

Don't get me wrong, they are so necessary, cause having my parents enslave me to poverty would be a double crime against nature, karma and fate all joined up in one body, I mean, punish me to a limit, you can't be ignorant as a parent and hovering poverty as a duty, it's cheating destiny you know...

I was a lady now, an officially, grown up, ass woman(pardon my language, not like I'm really apologizing) but I had come to that extent in my life, where I realized that feeling horrible and looking ugly wasn't the way out, if I was ganna feel bought or adopted, I might as well feel such in a Prada bag and Zanda outfit, yes, I knew designer collections too..

Despite all storms and strong hold I placed up, I freaking had fantasies you know, was still a female and yearned for some super, covey, encounter...

My parents were back in town and should be zooming towards our streets at the very moment I choose to relax in the living room, I sat watching an episode of "Devious maids" with some juice when I heard the sound of their car drive in and come to a halt, I stiffened a bit, had my heart go up and down for a minute like I had beaten the toughest girl in school and had to suffer for it, and prepared for the fake smile we all had to share...

They came in, looking tired obviously and really not my business, I turned to face the TV screen like my life was been presented in black and green, Finn came right down the stairs and greeted them

"Good day mum, welcome dad, how was the trip??" He asked, like he only wanted to be so nice..

"It was awesome dear, but I'm glad we're back" mum replied

"I doubt I can say same about you" I muttered inaudibly to myself...nodding my head to no specific beat in particular, like it was a lyric to a song, I wasn't really ready to engage in any talk right when I didn't need one, so I played the invisible game..

Mum only stared at me and smiled, I'm pretty sure she didn't expect to get a feed back of that...

"So dear, how did your sister's bash go, where did the party hold????

" here at home" Finn blurted like he saw no point in making the whole scene, dramatic.

my mother only stared at the doors, glasses and furniture,sighed in relief when she was sure everything was in it's place

"...and why here at home Finn?... I'm sure this wasn't what we agreed on, I said make it outside, what was so difficult in that??" Mum replied, she really sounded so pissed..

"No idea mum, I guess, maybe, if you had been there for her, yourself and ensuring nothing goes wrong"

"Really Finn????, I thought we talked about this, stuffs came up, I really had to get away" my mother defended weakly

"Yes mum, we did, we always talk about your preferences and maybe this time, it was way overdue"

"But then, you got her the gifts right, from us??" My dad asked

"No dad, I didn't, if you want to, please just buy her one and hand it over directly"

To say my parents were shocked was a little bit of an understatement, well, I guess they didn't see that coming...

"Then what the hell did you do right!!' Daddy yelled..."...cause you barely got any simple instruction correct, your sister must have felt so bad when you had no gift of ours to present and...."

"What gift dad??" I asked, I really had to step in at this point, the whole scolding and yelling thing wasn't just worth it, Finn wasn't meant to get all of that, I was upset and angry, and it definitely wasn't cause I had no gift bought from them...

I removed my earphones and directly faced my parents, Finn had been silent through all these and he just simply gazed at me, I guess he knew what my asking meant...

"Baby, we sent down some cash for..." Mum began

"No mum, not cash, daddy said gift, so obviously he must have bought them and handed to Finn, what kinda gift??"


I felt something snap inside of me, I felt myself go loose, I felt everything within me tighten up in self defense...

"So now it's silence mum, all I get are murmurs and stutters from you, really?....the very silence I get everyday of my entire existence, lemme ask a question, do you know how those passed down gifts always made me feel? u both have any idea how miserable I felt on my birthday whenever I saw them? you both realize how irrelevant I felt whenever I recalled what luxury replaced me??, no you don't, all I ever got were stutters and ignorance from....

" what do you really want!!!??????!!!!!" My mother suddenly yelled, I froze and I think Finn stopped breathing for 10 seconds(lolzz), I could sense the tension around, well, that caught me by surprised, I got off balance...

"What, mum??" I whispered

"Yes Andy, what do you want in life!!???, why are you always feeling like the victim, I am the victim, I freaking slave myself for you, you wanna talk lady to lady and not as a child to a mother anymore cause you think you are grown and I can't slap sense into you?, well, let's talk then cause I'm fed up with your ungrateful attitude, Andy, I barely relax, I slave, I win contracts, I afford luxuries for you and Finn, you have no right to complain and whine, tons of kids wanna be like you both right now, you should be extremely happy, I never was this happy growing up, loosing all I have for you including my shape, is enough!!"

Well, Finn must have taken 9 steps back, hahahaha,he sure didn't see all this coming

I was silent, the turning of our fan suddenly became so loud, my dad sat like he was glued to the TV set, well, I just sat there in extreme disappointment, my mum calmly stared at me, she didn't expect this quiet response

"Whoa!.... I managed to speak, " way to go mother earth, so you feel fulfilled, you feel great, you are officially the first mum that feels entitled to a medal for childbirth and shape loss, I'm glad we don't have this emotional moment on tape, quit stressing out then, stop trying, we got enough for my unborn kids, all thanks to you and dad..."

"" mum began..

"No mum, you are right, I'm so ungrateful right now, I'm demanding for love and it's way so much, I watch the lady down the streets beg for alms and feed her kids with smiles and cuddles as she braids their hair and I'm greedy to think I deserve a bit of that too, I'm selfish thinking I can ask my mother a simple question like 'ohh, what does cramps feel like in a lady'....

" Andy..." My dad started

"No dad, she has her own point here" I interrupted... "But I don't smoke, drink or take contraceptives, maybe I don't deserve some love and care, to reply you, this was the best birthday ever, and without any present from you,... I need to breathe" I completed and walked away, the hurt I felt that I was to blame for how good she looked to me, despite and supposed loss of shape and all, the reminder that other kids yearned for what I should be seeing as luck and favor, it was over, I was viewing this from a different angle....

Mum turned to Finn after I had walked out, "did she just really use the word contraceptives' on me???

" for real mother!!, that's all you fished out of this awkward moment??...impossible" Finn blurted in half shock and half anger, as he walked out too

"Okay, what did I say wrong honey?" Mum turned to dad

"I think you were great dear,and a bit off the whole grid" he replied


"No buts" my dad said "let's go rest, probably we'll all be okay and free from stress by tomorrow, then we might just speak freely"

With that, my parents walked towards their rooms, the sound of the staircase reminding us of a lot of possibilities......negative possibilities... Another day, wasn't some day to been seen in excitement....

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