NHL as in Nice Hot Lover

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Hey guys! This is my second book on wattpad! Please read my other book, With Love, I am a teenager. So I wrote this book when I was on the road in Florida. Hope you kije it! oh and please vote, comment, and like if you want me to write more to this book, or the other book!


Chapter One-

I am not a normal 19 year old girl. I am not in college, I don't have a scrumptious boyfriend. And finally, I have never met my parents. I am simply a young teenager. Well, not that simple. I have a little boy named Ryan. He is my little prescious. Yes, he is my own. I had him when I was 17. I was alone.

It all happened when I was 16. I was the kid everyone talked to to get their reputation up. I was cool enough to go to all the parties I wanted. It was the party after James Wilson (bhasketball captian) and the basketball team won the state tournemant.

I showed up, and everybody was drunk. So being a somewhat popular girl, I got a drink. I went to the bathroom, and when I came back, My drink was a different color. I really did not think anything of the fact, so I continued to drink my drink. I apparently started flirting with all the guys. I even was flirting with the drunk James Wilson. He pulled me into his room, and boom! The next thing I know, I was under him, naked! I was a virgin, but what he was doing, felt unbelievable. He had so much energy with he [ush, he got farther and farther in. He caressed my back. I ran my fingers through is full head of hair.


The next day, he didnt want anything to do wiuth me. He was all over the head cheerleader, Katie Carlson. I walked up behind their hot make-out session, and tapped James on the shoulder. When I finally got those two off of each other, I said, "Hey James!" Instead of saying anything back, he just looked at me and told me I was a freak and that I needed to get lost. I dont hold a grudge, so I let that fly.

One week later, James threw another party, and I went to this one as well, but this one was different. I didnt drink, and I stayed as far away from James as I could. When I accidently bumped into him, he pulled me utside. He kissed me, he kissed me some more. He kept kissing me, He turn the kiss into a passionate kiss and was about to undo my bra, when the sliding door to the patio opened. It was Katie Carlson. She came out and smacked his butt, and caressed his cheek. He pulled away from me. Katie took him to the wall, and wrapped her legs around him. The next thing I know, there was moaning and thumping coming from where they were now having sex.

The next month, I found out about my pregnacy. I tried to tell James about it at school, but he just ignored me. That Friday, Katie Carlson threw a party, and I went. He was drunk again. He was all over me again. He took me to Katie's parent's room, or at least I think it was their room. He layed me down on the bed nicely. He jumped on top of me like a hungery cougar. I protected my stomach, I did not want my baby to get hurt. He quickly took the kiss deep. I was so worried about telling James that I am pregnat, that I guess i didnt notice I was not kissing him back. He stopped kissing me and asked me what was wrong, I told him about the baby. He was I guess scared, because he pretty much just left me there alone on the bed. I guess he knew he was the father.

A moment later. . . .


NHL as in Nice Hot LoverWhere stories live. Discover now