Cancer (DeliToOnZ)

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A/n: Real sad, you can already guess from the title what is about so please, if you are sensitive to this types of topics look away. To any of you who'd gone to stuff like this, my heart goes out to you. Also this is short and this cover had me sobbing for so long I can't even. Comment and vote! Love you guys

Jonathan's pov

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The warm sunray touch my pale skin and I opened my eyes slowly. I see luke standing infront of the door with another teddy bear in his arms and he smiled weakly. I just looked at him and he looked away for a second before he returned his eyes on me. "Morning Jonathan" He stutters. I nod and he places the teddy bear on the chair next to me as carefully as he could, he sighs and looks at me again. He scans my face and I looked away slowly. "Can you get me a drink of water 'cause my lips are chapped and faded" I asked and he quickly graves the water bottle on the white table that was two steps away from me. He returns and lifts me up from the back of my naked neck and pressed the water bottle on my lips. He pulls the water bottle away from me and he looks at me in the eye. His sad brown eyes scan my lifeless dull blue eyes and he leans in. I looked away and he sobs a little making my heart clench.

"I will not kiss you, cause the hardest part of this is leaving you..." I whispered. My voice going into a soft murmer as I feel my self chock on my own words. I saw my sister walk into the door and she instantly brakes down. Her sobs entered thru one of my ears and exited the other one.

This was my life for 3 years, nothing new. It was all a horrible cycle, all a nightmare I wasn't gonna ever wake up from. It's a video that's on repeat, doctors come in, nurses, my family and my heart broken boyfriend. Luke told me he loved me with all his heart a couple of months before I was diagnosed with cancer and I swear are whole lifes and dreams crumbled down. Are crazy adventures stopped and I was hospitalized. No more video games and no more videos uploaded, no more late nights and no more movie nights. All I could do was stay in my bed and watch as my YouTube chanel was buried with worry comments.

I cried so many times in my new room as I look at myself in a mirror  cause I'm awful just to see. All my hairs abandon all my body and this agony kills me because I know I will never marry like I wanted to.

I'm just soggy from the chemo, I'm  counting down the days to go.

I really regret the way I never told luke earlier that I loved him. He was always my world and I never noticed that because I was too busy doing YouTube to notice.....I was just really stupid.

I will not kiss you♤

He did his best to make my last days the happiest and most miserable days of my life. I have a whole in my chest that gives me one of the most biggest anxiety attacks that I ever had. My body was loosing it's color and I was as white as the sheets covering my body. I'm warm enough to let people know i'm not dead yet and that makes me so depressed. I never wanted this to happen and I can't help but to accept my faith. I'm not a little kid anymore to know what really will happen to me. Luke is here to tell me that I will fight this off and be good as new once again but I was never good to begin with. I don't even have the heart to tell my other friends and my subscribers what will happen to me. It will kill them as much it's killing me, my family and luke. I won't live to  see my sisters daughter grow and I won't live the life I always planted to have with the person I love the most.

I feel my life drain out of my body and luke holds my hand while crying as I tell him that everything will be okay. That he will find another man or woman to love and he just shakes his head as he kisses my boney knuckles. He looked at me and I smiled weakly. "Kiss me...." I whispered weakly and he did. He kisses me so passionately and I whispered. "I love you" into his lips as my vision turns black and I can't see nothing but darkness and screams.

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