Starbucks (DeliToOnZ)

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Jonathan walks towards Starbucks looking all stylish and stuff. He gets a mocha Frappuccino and looks around to search for his friend. He suddenly saw a familiar male sitting down next to the window and smiles.

Walking towards the male he taps him on the shoulder and luke turns around. "Hey" he said. "Sup loser~" Jonathan teased making luke smile. Jonathan sits down on the other side of the small table and starts fanning himself.

"Fuck, it's hot" he mumbles and luke just hummed as he takes a sip of his own Starbucks.

The story behind this two is that they where best friends since elementary. They dated before but something wasn't working so Jonathan wanted to leave stuff as best friends. It was pretty awkward for luke since he normally doesn't talk to ex's and specially doesn't hang out with them but there was something in Jonathan he didn't want to let go.

Jonathan would never let it get too awkward, he wanted to make luke comfortable so he would constantly change topics to talk about.

Luke would always have his hands around his lips making him mumbles into them and jonathan would often take his hands away from his mouth making luke look down. Jonathan was always correcting him but luke loved it.

Jonathan huffs and luke noticed the pout in his lips.

"What's wrong?" Luke asked softly. "You need to look at me when I'm talking to you, man" Jonathan said with a smile. Luke goes into a cold Sweat and shakes his head. "N-no man that's weird-"

"No, it's not, that's why they say 'Look at me when I'm talking to you' cause it's rude if you don't. Makes you feel like you don't care or your bored..." Jonathan trails off and luke sighs. "Fine, I'll look"

Jonathan smiles and continues to talk but he would see luke's eyes trailing of to the sides. "There you go again, looking away like if you just saw the biggest of asses"

Luke snorts and laughs at Jonathan. "Im sorry okay? Can't help it~"

"Oh shut up-"

"Mocha Frappuccino!" A tall male said. "I'll go get it for you" Luke said and walked towards the place and grabs the cold drink.

Jonathan smiles and nods "Thank you" he said and luke just nods.

When they started talking it was 5 and slowly it turned into 6 o'clock at night. A nice sunset was making its way towards the blue sky and jonathan noticed. "What a nice sunset" Jonathan announced. Luke looked out the window and hums. "It's really nice"

Finally luke was relaxing and jonathan was happy about it. He loved talking to luke and he misses this so much, just talking to him like that. Like nothing else matter it was just them enjoying the day together.

Luke finally started to talk to jonathan about stuff he did and jonathan payed attention. Jonathan would get louder and louder making luke flush. "Your getting loud again" he said and jonathan blushes and lowers his volume again. "Sorry" he said.

"It's fine-..." Luke stops himself and shakes his head.

Jonathan starts to talk about his art class in college and luke looked at him in the eyes like Jonathan wanted. Jonathan did like the attention but he felt pressured, he kinda regretted telling him to look at him but he sucked it up and continued. He loved his art class but it annoyed him a little since he had it with an ex of his.

"Isaiah is on my class too..." He said. "Are Isaiah?" Luke wondered. "Yes, and it's so awkward, I hate it" Jonathan mumbles. "He always had this affect on me that makes me so flustered and I hate it, I can't do anything because of it"

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