Entry One: I'm not normal, am I?

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They say it's curable, but I call bullshit. If it was curable why would so many people have it? It makes no sense, but neither does the hanging body of my best friend right now. She looked like she was asleep, but I knew better, she was dead. As far as I can tell she killed herself, I mean there is a chance that she was murdered but if that was the case I doubt the killer would've been able to kill her and then hang her without her parents noticing, then again maybe he killed her in a second location and brought her back here but dragging a body in living daylights and pulling it up through the window is rather conspicuous. Considering that rigour mortis hasn't set in, she hasn't been dead for more than two hours. But the thing I don't understand is why she would commit suicide? She wasn't depressed, I would've noticed, I'm good at reading people. She didn't have a messy breakup with the "love of her life", and she wasn't bullied. I looked around, no note. Which means she didn't plan this and did it out of impulse. I looked back at the open door, how did her parents not notice? Who I'm I kidding? They never notice. I wonder if they could've prevented it, I doubt it, their oblivious help would've probably caused even more trouble, although I'm not sure what's more trouble than a dead body. They wouldn't understand, to be honest I barely do myself. Anyway, the real question is should I tell them? Probably. I wonder how they'd react. Not like me, obviously. I'm different, when something happens I instantly get use to it, no matter how tragic or horrific. Like watching a movie, after a while everyone get use to what has happened. Sometimes I wondered if I was in a movie, but that's a slippery slope; I'm already messed up as it is, adding delusions like that would make me an even bigger freak. Not that anyone notices, they all think I'm normal. Everyone but her. I turned my gaze back at her lifeless face, if I was normal would that face haunt me? In movies that's how it plays out, right? Guess, that proves that I'm not in one. How long it'll be before her face rots away and she becomes nothing but a skeleton? I suppose it's around a month after burial, I'm not sure though. I'm not always good at remembering things. My memory isn't bad, it's actually very good, but I only remember stuff that I like. I don't like dead bodies, they confuse me. I guess that's what I felt when I first saw her; confused. If I was normal, what would I feel?
"I'll probably never find out." I sighed, picking up my bag and taking out a book, I placed it on her desk. She told me that she wanted me to return it today. Maybe this is why she actually called me over, she knew how'd I react. I looked back at the book; The perks of being a wallflower. For some reason she always compared to the protagonist of that story, I never got it. I mean I can relate to the character in some ways, but a tragic loss isn't the reason I'm like this, well as far as I can remember anyway but I doubt my story would be that cliché. I'm sorry if I'm not using that word correctly, I never understood it but I'm sure I'm using it in the same context as other people do. Then again people aren't to be trusted, they're either too dumb or too nefarious to trust; which one are you?

A scream interrupted me from my thoughts and my head snapped to the door where I saw two horrified expression staring at her. Hmm, I guess that's how normal people would react.

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