Entry Five: I'm a sociopath

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"Hey," I heard someone approach me, luckily they didn't touch me. I turned around, finding Lizzie. "Did you study?" She held up her science book.
"I left my book at school, how could I?" I answered, dumping my bag in my locker and began walking away.
"Searched the stuff online?" She followed.
"Mr. Superbia is too specific for that to work." I answered simply.
"Superbia?" Lizzie raised an eyebrow. "His name is Mr. Edwards."
"It's Latin."
"For Edwards?"
"No, for arrogance." I entered the class and took my seat.
"Yeah, he's arrogant without reason."
"And who would that be?" We snapped her heads to find Mr. Superbia staring, more like glaring at us. I looked at Lizzie, she seemed like she just wanted to find a place to hide.
"You, apparently." I finally said, the whole class completely froze as the words escaped my mouth. I ignored their surprised glances and sat down.
"Excuse me?!" Mr... crap I forgot his name again. Doesn't matter.
"I was talking about you." I put my note book on the desk.
"EXCUSE ME?!" He repeated more loudly.
"You're arrogant without reason, you push the students to your own standards and when they kill themselves studying to barely pass your class, you steal that as your own achievement. It isn't, all you did was force them to waste hours of their time memorising shit they don't even care about and that probably won't help them in the future. We get it, you work a job so dreadful that you want to drag the rest of us with you, but there's no reason to act arrogant about our successes, especially when you did nothing to help us achieve them." He stared at me, speechless for a second but then his nose flared and his face turned beet red.
"Get out!" He bellowed. "Get out of my class!"
"Gladly." I said, picking up my notebook, I left. I wasn't sure why I was so angry but all I wanted to do was smash someone's head in, but that's just cause trouble so I have to avoid it.

"Mr. Evans, it is not alright for you to openly disrespect a teacher and mock him in front of the whole class." The principal shook his head. I began tuning out the rest of his lecture when I noticed a depression awareness poster  behind him. I still haven't figured out why she killed herself. I closed my eyes, there has to something, but where...?

"You know that's exactly why teachers always end up hating you, right?"
"Huh?" I looked up to find her staring at me while laying down on her bed.
"You're absent-minded, you're always spacing out and never bother to listen to others but somehow you still manage to pass all your classes and that makes the teachers hate you, because you're just as good as everyone else if not better without even trying."
"Why would I try something I'm not interested in?" I retorted, she stared at me for a few seconds before smiling.
"Why do people try anything in this retched world?"

"Chris!" I heard the principal snap. I'm missing something but what? Wait what was she reading back then? I closed my eyes again... never mind it's just a fashion magazine... wait, her eyes. That's it, that's what I'm missing. I never looked at them. "Mr Evans, are listening to me?" I looked up at the principal, despite his obvious irritation he didn't seem at all mad. Guess he has more patience than arrogance.
"Not really." I answered truthfully. "I'm I suspended?" He stared at me before replying.
"We'll see but you should go home for now."
"Alright." I swung my bag on my shoulders and left.

On my way to the bus station, I scrolled through my phone's gallery. It was rather empty, but finally I found it; the selfie she took when she stole my phone. I zoomed in on her eyes, while she was smiling, her eyebrows were unchanged and eyes vacant. She was definitely not happy, just good at hiding it. Her behavioural patterns didn't change while I was with her which meant either she was depressed even before I met her or she used my own perception against me, considering her sly intelligence that does sound plausible. She never took anything seriously, treating everything as joke, maybe that was her coping mechanism? And her books, they were all centred on personal tragedies and psychological twists, I just always thought that was her own thing, I mean she was able to identify me as a sociopath but didn't much care. But why would someone with depression want a person who lacks empathy around? Crap, it was because she was depressed. Normal people, while they might have empathy and a conscience, choose sympathy as a help tactic when it comes to personal troubles, but people with depression don't want someone who tries or can to relate to them, that just makes it worst. They want someone who's incapable of relating, so they can identify their pain as their own instead of being forced to listen to other's sob stories. But if that's the case, why did she do it, why did she kill herself.
"Hey!" Someone yanked me in alleyway, leaving no room for protests.

I grunted as my back hit the wall. "Remember us, asshat?" I rolled my eyes at hearing the same thuggish voice. His face was covered in bandages. His friend right behind him.
"You're the two fools who tried to mug me."
"Well, these "fools" came back for payback." He grinned, I turned my gaze to the ominous black van waiting for us at the end of the alleyway. Huh, who knew they'd be that impatient for revenge?


I collapsed on the floor as he threw yet another punch. "Oh come on, tired already?" He kicked my stomach. "But we're just starting." He smirked, pulling my hair so our eyes could meet. "Good thing we have the whole day." I spat at him.
"Do your worst." He slammed my face on the ground.
"D'you hear that?" He turned his friend. "He's practically begging for it. Hold him up." I felt a sharp pain as the guy yanked me up. "Lift his shirt." I turned my gaze to him as he went to the wooden table and picked up an electrode. Sparks flew out as it snapped together. "I ain't going to lie, this will hurt like a bitch, but if you're lucky you'll pass out soon after. If not, we'll just move to the really fun part." He gestures towards a wooden plank that had straps to hold a person, there was also a piece of cloth and a large gallon of water next to it. "Now, now, pay attention." He snapped the clips as he closed in on me, his sadistic smile growing by the second. I found myself wondering why he found this so enjoyable.

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