Entry Twelve

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Careless. What comes to your mind when you hear that word? For me, it's simple, isn't it? All I have to do is look in the mirror. But who am I kidding? Nothing's ever that simple. Just think about it, everything you do has a reason and explanation, why you sleep, why you drink, why you eat, why you breathe. How you do it all. If simplicity is real, then why do we, as humans, exist? We're the most uselessly complex and pointlessly needy creatures to ever walk this earth. We ruined simplicity the second we decided to question everything and fill ourselves with knowledge that only hid the truth. The truth being that problems only started arising the second humans came to this world. Let's hope that there is a god, or else there is no saving this world.

This is odd. The lockers have keys, not combinations but keys. I was given mine from the guidance counselor, and as I was dumping my books in the dark blue locker, a person approached. Thankfully they did not touch me. "Can we talk?" It was the blond guy from before, he's about the same height as me but a bit thinner. His clothes hung over him, and he still wore his black headphones. His expression was just as vacant as before, I couldn't read him a lot, but even then I knew something was off about him.

We were standing behind the school building, three guys staring at me sadistically as the blond guy lent on the wall coolly. "Come on, show us what you're made of." The tallest of the three, who hair is too ugly for words, reached for me. I grabbed him by the arm and kicked him with my knee. He fell to the ground in moans. The next was a bit harder, he was almost twice as strong as the first on but all it was a calculated kick in one of his knees for him to fall face first. The last was a bit fast but even then a single kick was all it took.

"Impressive." The blond guy stared at me, before suddenly slamming his fist into my gut. I fell to the ground, clutching my stomach while gasping for air. This guy was seriously strong. I forced myself up, ignoring the pain. "Don't think I'll go easy on you because you're the new guy." He spoke lowly. "You see, I couldn't care less if you died right now." Why is he talking about it like its something to be proud of? He must be an idiot, if he thinks bragging about not caring is evidence that he doesn't. "You see, people like me," he pushed me to the ground once again, "we don't care about anything." So he's pretending.

He sighed, looking at his watch. "Well school's over, I guess now's a good time as any." He took out a pair of handcuffs and cuffed my hands and feet together before stuffing a rag in my mouth. He took out his phone and dialed a number. "Yeah, I got him. I'll meet you in the usual spot. Yeah, no one's around except for a few unconscious idiots. Okay sure." With that he put his phone away and looked at me. "This is going to hurt." He threw another punch, aiming for my face, but this time I caught it before pushing to the ground. He's fast, but people are predictable. "The handcuffs-" His expression finally drops as I threw both of them his way, along with the rag.
"You should've been more creative." I sighed, when my dad was still a cop, he had handcuffs too. "You know," I turned my gaze back to him. "I really find you annoying. Pretending that you don't care about anything that you even come to believe it."
"What are you- I'm not pretending!" He raised his fist but this time I easily dodged it and kicked him in the stomach, sending him to the ground. I kneeled down to his level.
"If you're not pretending, answer me this. If you really don't care, why are you telling me all of this?" With that, I slammed his face to the ground knocking him out. I slumped down to the ground, breathing heavily. I really don't like people who pretend they're like me, talking about it as if they have the right. They don't understand what it's like, they don't even try, and they still have the audacity to claim they're just like me. I dug into his pocket and pulled out a student ID. "Jared Mikaelsson," I mumbled, looking down at his sleeping form. "Well, this might just help me."

Chris Evans is gone I need to accept that, I think I already do, he could never figure out what was wrong with Claire, or himself. But Kai Edwards, whoever I decide to let him be, will definitely find out. I say this as I stand outside what I believe to be a night club of some sorts. It had neons lights radiating from it as well as deafeningly loud music. Well Jared was perfectly secure in the school supply closet, Kai Edwards will be meeting the would-be kidnapper himself. I looked at my hand, it was shaking, not from fear but pure thrill. "This is going to be fun." I smiled, surprising myself as this has been the only genuine one all day.

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