All Eyes||Chapter Eleven

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I shrugged off my soaked parka, hanging it on the coat rack and walking in the kitchen.

The usual heat and grease scent was the first thing that hit my nostrils with Andrew and Sam's faint hello's that I could barely hear over the sound of clicking utensils.

It was a busy night at the dinner.

I took a notepad and a pen off of the counter, and before exiting the kitchen my eyes met Nate's.

But I looked away,

And I walked away.

I sighed as soon as the piercing sound of talking hit my ears, the noise and the people were a blur around me.

I need the money, was my main focus because I can't find any other reason powerful enough to make me stay here for another second.

I walked around, taking orders and asking questions, mumbling polite formals I would never use anywhere else.

The necklace felt heavier than ever.

Her eyes were vivid more than anytime.

Her cries were just as desperate as I was.

I lifted my head up, my eyes colliding with brown ones,

Dull ones.

Dad sat at a booth in the back, his laughter rang in my ears and I watched him talk with other people I didn't really care about.

He looked happy.

And I felt furious.

The notepad escaped my grip and fell on the titled floor, the whole world seemed to stop.

For me, at least.

My fists balled up, my knuckles cracking. My eyes glaring daggers at him. My shoulders tensed up and I knew.

My monster was out,

And I never took my pills.

And I found my self storming my way towards him, watching his eyes widening as soon as it landed on me.

Her cries seemed like the only thing I could hear.

And it felt so familiar when my fist collided with his jaw, jerking him back in his seat.


And I don't remember how, but soon I was on top of him. My fists blowing punches to his very being.

And I couldn't feel more satisfied, as I saw the blood oozing out of his face.

But I knew I can't break him the same way,

He broke her.

I lifted him up by the collar of his shirt, dragging him out of the dinner with me.

"You. You broke her," I yelled at his face, my throat burning at the sudden rise of voice.

I don't even remember the last time I had a proper conversation.

Dad's horrified face was the last thing I saw before I was pushed to the pavement. My back hitting the cold ground with a thud. A loud one.

And just like the last time, I stared up at the sky. The clouds heavy and thick hiding any trace of sunlight.

I heard her whimpers. I heard muffled screams. However, I was convinced it was a dream. Rather a nightmare. And I remember waking up in the middle of the night, half asleep and worried.

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