Chapter 13

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Killian's POV

"Killian I have made up my mind we are moving!" Milah yells at me.

This fight has been going on since I came back about a week ago.

"Milah I dont want to move and the girls have their lives here. We cant take that!" I yell back.

"This isnt about the girls this is about that stupid Emma." She says.

"Emma? Why would this be about Emma?" I ask.

"You hired this woman to take care of our kids and now our kids like her better then me. Oh and Liam told me that Lola has been calling Emma momma. I want to take them where that Emma cant be reach and where she cant ruin my family." She says.

"Emma isnt ruining this family. You are." I say.

"Me! You cant not blame me." She says.

"No Milah I do. You cant see anything that isnt in your interest. Sienna finally made friends. Sofie wasnt afraid of being smart. Layla didnt play alone. Lola finally sleeps through. That was what Emma did she gave them something. She gave them love. You come back and dont even want to hear what they have to say. You come back and dont even spend alot of time with Lola or the others. You cant blame someone who made this family better." I say.

"You love her dont you?" She asks.

"What? No!" I say.

"Yes you do. Thats why you dont want to leave you love this Emma." She says.

"No I dont. I appreciate all she has done for our children. The girls love her heck Layla even told her as much. Your jealous that Emma was a better mother to them then you are no matter where we go you wont put them first. Im putting them first I have always put them first because thats what a parent does. I would love to travel you know this, but I cant take them away for long and I cant be away from them. I gave up my dream. Though you.. You want to move them for yours and not even care how they or I feel. Its all about Milah and its not fair." I say.

"Daddy, whats with all the yelling?" Layla asks.

"Layla baby go back to bed." I say.

"I cant sleep. I need Emma's stories." She says.

"Honey Emma isnt here. Why dont you go up to your room and Daddy will tell you a story." I say.

"Okay Daddy." She says and goes upstairs.

"Wow she wants Emma no shocker there." Milah says.

"Thats enough Milah. Im done." I say.

"What do you mean your done?" She asks.

"The fighting. The pain. I cant do this anymore. We clearly cant get along which means this isnt good for the girls. You can leave, but Im not going anywhere and your not taking my girls from me. I have plenty of people that can back me up in court and make sure you cant take them." I say.

"Fine whatever. A divorce it is. Good luck finding someone that will love a single father of four girls." She says.

That night she took all her stuff and left and the next day we went to city hall and Regina was more then happy to finalize our divorce right away. After that she left and that was that.

"Thank god she is gone. I have always hated that woman." Regina says.

"Regina be nice." Robin says.

"Robin, you know the only reason why he married her in the first place." Regina says.

"Can you guys watch the girls I have somewhere to go." I tell them.

"Yeah we'll watch them." Robin says.

I made my way to where I wanted to go and knocked on the door. I smiled when the person opened it.

"I only married Milah because she was pregnant with my child and I only staid with her for that very reason for the girls. Now, now its over I never loved her. That was my secret and in that world I imagined when I said nothing was wrong. It was because I saw my left hand didnt have my wedding ring. Its just me and the girls now. Will you please come back and help me?" I ask.

"Of course I will Killian." She says.

"Thanks Swan." I say and hug her.

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