Chapter 17

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Emma's POV

After Killian and I shared a kiss we went to the bar and got alittle too much to drink and I woke up this morning in his bed with him still asleep. I climbed out of bed and into my room and got dressed. I walked right out of my house and went to Granny's.

"Emma how are you?" Regina asks.

"Im fine. Have you seen Liam?" I ask.

"Yeah he was at the docks with the girls." She says.

"Thanks." I say and walk out.

Last night was a mistake I shouldnt have done what I did. Sleeping with Killian was wrong.

Killian's POV

I woke up to an empty bed and an empty house. Emma must have left. She must hate me for all this. I want to go find Emma. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Milah?" I question.

"We need to talk." She says.

"About what?" I ask.

"About our girls." She says sitting down on the couch.

"I told you. Your not getting them." I say.

"Killian, Please." She begs.

"No! Milah! You wont get them." I say.

"Killian wanna see them at least. Its been a while I wanna see my children." She says.

"I will bring them to you when I feel like it. Now get out of my house." I say to her.

"You will not keep them from me. They are just as much mine as they are yours. Now you better watch yourself Jones I can take them if I please." She says.

"You can try and if you do I will tell you this you will go to jail." I tell her.

"You think you can get rid of me. We have four kids together Im in their life forever." She says.

"That may be, but the moment you let them down they will never want you in their lives. Now go!" I say.

"One last thing Killian. I saw that Blonde I dont know what you did to her but she didnt seem happy. My guess is she will leave and you will lose your self-control and our daughters will be mine." She says.

She walked out and I grabbed a glass cup and threw it across the room. Milah really set me off. That and Emma might leave me and then there will be no hope to raise my children. That thought made me even more upset, but in a sad way that I started to throw more cups at the way.

"Killian! Stop this right now!" Regina says grabbing my arm.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"I want to know what happened with you and Emma. She seemed upset when she asked where your brother was. Now what happened with Emma? And why did I just see your ex walk past me?" She asks.

"Milah wants my girls and I ruined everything with Emma. If Emma leaves me then Milah will have a reason to take them from me." I tell her.

"Killian, you have always been there for me and now Im going to do the same for you. With Emma or Without Emma I wont let her take them." She says.

"Regina, I need Emma. I think I know what has been missing all these years." I say.

"A woman you truly love. Killian just tell her." She says.

"I cant. You cant either. Regina please." I say.

"Okay Jones for now." She says.

Once she walked out I heard my daughters outside and they walked in with Liam. Emma wasnt with them. I knew it she now hates me.

Hey guys I have a new story out called Tough Times and it would me alot to me if you would check it out. If you already have great. Please remember to leave me comments letting me know what you think of the story. Thank you.

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