Chapter 23

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Killian's POV

Its 3 in the morning and Milah has been calling me like crazy and trying to talk to me and see the girls. I dont want Milah to continue to bother Emma and make her feel like she destroyed our family.

"Killian, hey are you alright?" Emma asks touching my shoulder.

"Yeah Im fine." I lie.

"No your not. Killian whats wrong?" She asks.

"Nothing love go back to sleep." I say.

"Killian please." She begs.

"Love just go back to sleep." I say.

"Daddy, Emma, can I sleep in your bed?" Layla asks.

"Sure, climb on in." Emma says.

"I'll be right back." I say and get up.

I walked downstairs and sat on the couch. I decided to call Milah back.

Phone Call.

Milah: I knew you would call me. Do you miss me Killian?

Killian: I dont miss you. I just need the calls to stop.

Milah: Not until you give them to me.

Killian: Milah Im not doing that. I told you and it went into court. You get no rights to them just visitation that I allow.

Milah: That just doesnt work for me.

Killian: Well to bad.

Milah: Fine then your bitch of a girlfriend and unborn child will have hell to pay.

Killian: You do anything to her or that baby and you will have hell to pay.

Milah: Sorry, but unless I get what I want. They are in danger.

Killian: Its time that you realize your place. Your lost them because your not a mother your crazy. The girls, our friends, Emma non of them know, but that addiction you have to drugs will be the end of you. That is why you cant have them and threatening Emma and my child wont get you what you want. It will just get you behind bars.

End Phone Call.

Milah has always had this problem and I dont talk about it because its to horrible to talk about for me. I walked back upstairs and saw all the girls in our bed. This is what I want to see everyday. All my daughter curled up together and snuggled up to Emma its the cutest thing I have ever seen. 

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