Chapter 6

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Emma's POV

Lately I have been keeping a close eye on Killian because him saying he is unhappy makes me worried. If he is unhappy and smokes he could end his life. Its been another 3 weeks so I have been working here for 6weeks now ans the last three weeks I have been making sure Killian doesnt have anything that he could harm himself.

"Swan a moment?" Killian asks from the kitchen.

"Yes Killian?" I ask standing in front off the knifes.

"Why do you doing that?" He asks.

"Doing what?" I ask.

"Lately you have been acting strange." He says.

"Okay. Look Im sorry, but I cant help and think you might harm yourself after you told me your unhappy." I tell him.

"Im sorry about that. Look its not that kind of way of unhappy. Im just at a dead end in my life. I have four kids and have been married since I was 17. My life went by quickly I never got to do what things that I have wanted to." He says.

"Like what?" I ask.

"Visit the Grand Canyon, Visit New York, you know travel." He says.

"Really? Those places are amazing. You know you can take your girls with you. Plus so many other places your life doesnt have to be on hold because you have a family. You can experience your travels with your family." I say.

"Thank you Swan." He says.

"No problem. Now get going you have work." I tell him.

"Thanks again Emma." He says.

After he left I got the girls breakfast ready and then it was time for Lola to wake up.

"Good morning Lola." I say to her.

"Mamma." Lola says.

"Umm... Miss.Emma did baby Lola call you mamma?" Layla asks me.

"Yeah she did, but its okay." I tell her.

"Does this mean your my new mommy since mine has gone bye bye?" She asks me.

"No no. Your mommy will be back in a about a month or so. Im not anyones new mommy. I just work to take care of you guys while your mommy is gone and your daddy. Thats all sweetie." I say.

"Hey Miss.Emma why does Lola call you Mommy?" She asks.

"You know what I have to get you all to school." I say.

After I took them all to school and it was time to pick them up when I picked up Sofia she was crying.

"You must be the caretaker. Im Ashley Boyd Sofia's teacher. She has been bullied at the school for awhile lately and today a little boy pushed her down. Could you please tell Mr.Jones to contact me?" She asks.

"Yeah I will thank you." I say.

"No problem." She says and walked off.

After I got Layla from school Sofie was still crying.

"Hey Sofie are you okay?" I ask her.

"Why dont people like me?" She asks.

"Hey what are you asking?" I ask.

"They call me names and push me down all because the teacher said that I am one of her smartest kids she has ever had. Then the started bulling me." She says.

"Hey its okay to be smart and if they are bothering you just walk away and tell a teacher. Dont let them make you feel this way." I tell her.

"Thank you Miss.Swan." She says.

"Please sweetheart call me Emma. Now lets get your homework done." I say.

Killian finally came home and I told him what happened and according to Sofie she felt must better when I talked to her. As sat in my room Killian walked in.

"I dont know how you do it, but three out of four really like you." He says.

"Well Lola just sees me all the time, Layla and I just have lots of tea parties, and Sofie needed someone to talk to her." I say.

"Well thank you for getting so close with them it means alot. Plus you even helped me. That also means alot. Emma Swan you might have had lots of jobs and not really knowing what you want, but you found something your good at." He says.

"And whats that?" I ask.

"Im sorry to say, but you'll have to figure that out yourself Swan." He says and walks out.

So he knows what Im good at and he is the sweetest why am Im feeling this way he is a married man I cant have him. He is married and my boss its all wrong non of this stuff Im feeling is right its all wrong. Stop it Emma stop feeling this way. Nothing can ever happen between Killian and I.

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