Day Thirty Three

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It had been five days since that night when I had had the feeling someone was watching us, the feeling that something was wrong in our territory. I still had not shaken the feeling that something was wrong, but we had scoured the woods around the Oasis found tracks belonging to a pair of Rexes but not the animals themselves. Kabr and Squirrel had tamed four Rexes of our own on Carno Island, they wandered our outer yard as protection, just in case the wild Rexes got into the valley.

We felt safer over the last few days, the whole tribe was home, and we were building up our supplies for the next contract, we had yet to be contacted for further work so now was the time to prepare for more work.

I woke up, and sat up, something felt wrong, the air felt on fire. It was still dark outside; the men were snoring in their bunks. Who was on watch, I counted who was in bed, Kabr would be on watch, meaning it was almost sunrise, I shivered the hair on my arms stood on end, something was not right. I pulled on my tunic and left the sleeping quarters, I stroked Snowdeath as I passed her sleeping form on the way to the watchtower, I climbed the spiral staircase up to the top, Kabr was leaning against the side wall staring blankly into the trees. He started when I stepped onto the landing.

"What are you doing up here?" He asked, bluntly. We had not spoken much since that day on the roof.

"Something feels off, I could not sleep," His red eyes seemed to glow in the dim moon light.

"Go back to bed Fang," He growled.

"We used to be friends," I voiced, he turned he gaze back to the trees and quickly turned back to me.

"We are friends," Kabr snapped, "Now get out of my watch tower," My eyes widened, and I took a step back down the stairs. A light caught my eye, I turned to look into the trees in time to see a flare shoot up over the trees, it burst yellow in the sky and began to sink to the ground. I turned to look at Kabr, he grimaced and glared up at the slowly falling yellow light, he turned to me. "We were friends," He said, "Fang stand aside and you can rule by my side when it's over."

My mouth fell open and I grabbed the railing to keep from falling, "What is going on?" I snapped, I saw the glint of metal to late, he slammed the tranq dart into my neck, I gasped. I felt myself fall, and everything closed in on me.

I was not out that long, I came too with the sky still the dark blue of right before sunrise, I was leaning against the wall of the watchtower. Kabr was gone, everything was quiet, too quiet. I climbed to my feet with the help of the ledge to pull myself up. The paddock was empty, where were all of the animals, the quetz were not even on the roof, I caught a glance of them on the far end of the valley, the rexes still roamed the outer yard as did Fluffy, the dominative carno looked like a hatchling next to the rexes. Where was Kabr, why did he tranq me, where were our animals. I stumbled down the stairs, and leaned shaking against the doorway, I fell to the ground and retched, a reaction to the tranquilizers. I pushed myself back to my feet, leaning against the building I pushed myself along the wall until I reached the door to the main entrance.

I heard a loud screech and turned around, the behemoth gate was opening, and at the gate chain was Kabr. My breath caught in my chest, and my skin felt cold when I saw the tribe of hostiles on the other side of the gate, three rexes, four raptors and mammoth, all painted with blood red paint, with scraps of hide hanging from the saddles. The people in the saddles were even more terrifying then the beasts, bone helmets, mismatched blood red armor, long pikes will dodo skulls hanging from the shafts, around their necks hung the cracked orange beacons of fallen survivors. Tamers.

My breath came fast; my heart beat so fast I thought it was going to escape my chest. "Everyone up," I screamed, stumbling into the base, I slammed and locked the door, we had a back way into the furnace room.

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