Day Thirty Four

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I sat on the porch of the fallback shelter, Kabr had been moved inside to keep him more secure, he had tried to drown himself over night by jumping into the lake from the quetz platform he had been on. I had spent the last few hours while on guard cleaning our rifles, and organizing the weapons we had taken off of the Tamers. I watched the men across the valley sift through the wreckage of our home, little had survived the explosion, and what did was barely worth the effort.

Cradix had sent out letters to all three factions at sunrise, only one dimorphodon had returned, the one sent to the Shadow Knights, Vixxy had sent her reply and her regrets, she expressed that she had been dealing with attacks from the Tamers as well, and that her territory was not safe enough to leave until they were dealt with. Cradix took it as a slight against his Admin status that she was unwilling to meet for an inquiry but after some time to think he had conceded that her position was no different than his in this circumstance, he would not be able to leave to go to another territory at the moment either.

Squirrel climbed the cliff to relieve me of my guard duty, allowing me to go help Cradix and Steven with the search of the ruble. Swan had left at sunrise to scope out the territory and make sure we were not in for another attack. I was on my knees picking out rifle ammo from the broken smithy when a dimorphodon screech pierced the air, the flock of dimorphodons up on the fallback shelter screeched in return, beating their wings, in a thunderous uproar that upset the animals around the valley. The dimorphodon flew straight down to Cradix and landed on his outstretched forearm. The creature was distressed, it beat its wings furiously, breathing with its mouth open, it stared up at the sky its eyes wide.

"What happened to it?" Steven asked stepping over to Cradix, avoiding tripping on the twisted metal of our home.

"Not sure," Cradix removed the scroll tied to its leg and let it fly off to join its flock on the cliff. He unrolled the letter, "It is from the Devine," He read and let out a long sigh, "Chase is dead, the Tamers attacked them as well, they have lost more than we did." He looked up at me, "Come with me Fang," He turned to Steven, "Continue looking for anything useful, we need to speak privately." Steven's smiled faded and his gaze dropped to the ground, he looked dejected, but did not argue. Cradix clenched the letter in his hand and led me up to the fallback shelter, he called for Squirrel to join us, and we stepped into the trees behind the shelter, it was the most privacy we were going to get.

"What else is in the letter?" I ventured, he looked up at me, tears in his blue eyes.

"Chase is dead, and so is half of their tribe," Cradix whispered.

"Half?" Squirrel's gruff voice broke, his eyes were wide and staring, the Devine were the largest faction, to have half their number truly killed was an irreversible lose to our Ark.

"The Tamers did the same thing to them, as they did to us, they attacked in the early morning, they had an inside man as well, a woman name Blu," Cradix looked at us, neither myself or Squirrel knew who this woman was. "We know now that Shadow is currently under attack from what I am assuming is the last of the Tamers tribe, we can only assume that Mejo's compound was hit as well, and if they had help from the inside with us as well Devine, it is safe to assume that they may have help in Shadow and the Dino Knights." He rubbed the back of his neck, fear was not something I saw from Cradix very often but he was afraid now.

"I don't understand," Squirrel broke in, "How did the Tamers grow so large without anyone noticing?" Cradix shook his head.

"They have always been an elusive band, but to have recruited enough civilians to form a tribe large enough to attack all the Admins at once is just insane." Cradix stammered. "The fact that we still have not heard back from Mejo is not a good sign, I hope nothing has happened to him."

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