Day Thirty Five

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I winced in pain and sat straight up, my hands braced myself against a metal floor, I was bathed in a green light, rocky cliffs and spires rose around me. I looked to my left a pedestal stood in the middle of the metal platform, a beam of green light extended from the pedestal into the sky, I looked up the green obelisk floated over my head. How did I get here?

I looked down at my body, my armor was gone, I was only dressed in my leathers, this was not good, this area was dangerous. I climbed to my feet, a spear leaned against a stone a few feet away, I grabbed it tested the edge, I stepped across the platform and glanced over the edge, the mist below obscured the water, and the ledges that lead out into the valleys surrounded the obelisk. I shivered, I was terrified, this area was full of scorpions, carnos, rexes, saber cats, and my defenses were leather clothing and a metal pike.

I glanced up at the obelisk again, the green light seemed to pulse out into the air around me, my beacon itched, I glanced down at my beacon, instead of the orange and blue it usually pulsed the beacon was pulsing green like the obelisk, I tapped it, then pressed it, nothing changed. I had to get away from the obelisk, I tightened my tunic, gripped the pike tighter and headed down the ramp away from the obelisk, my boots echoing against the metal, I hear the claws clicking against the metal before I saw it, I turned a black saber cat jumped from the platform threw the air towards me, I raised the pike just in time. The spear went through its chest, and I heaved up with all of my strength sending the creature forward over the side of the walkway, my spear lodged in its chest went with it. I swore under my breath, as I watched the cat disappear with my pike into the mist. I glanced around the crater of the obelisk for any other threats and at the moment did not see any, I bolted, I ran headlong down the ramp and skid into the rock cliff, I hugged the stone panting, my back to the cold rock, looking around for any new threats, none, I crept along the rock until I found one of the large canyons leading out, was it the right direction, at this point it did not mater I needed to get out and fast. I glanced back at the obelisk one more time, the pulsing continued, I looked down at my arm it still glowed green, why?

I glanced down the canyon, a trike, a parasaur, three dilos and a small group of compies, I could out run the dilos and compies, the trike was only a threat if provoked and the parasaur was no threat at all, I bolted, the dilos hissed and gave chase, the compies bolted away from me as I stomped through their number, I ducked under the parasaur and twisted around the trike, the parasaur spooked and bolted from the dilos right into the trike that roared in rage and turned on everything that moved, the dilos were preoccupied now and I made it out of the canyon, and tripped right into a scorpion. I screamed, and rolled away from the stinger as it struck the ground where my chest had been a second prior. I rolled to my feet and ran, the creature clicking its massive claws behind me and slithering after me. I had to slow down, my heart was going to jump out of my chest, my lungs burnt, I staggered with exhaustion and glanced back over my shoulder, the scorpion was gone.

I collected my bearings, I swore again and kicked a rock in front of me, I was on the wrong side, the double waterfall was downhill from me, and the swamp stretched out before me. I had to get home, and going anywhere near the swamp was not the way to do it, I followed the river around the obelisk crater, and trotted along the shore, until sun high, I snuck into the trees as it grew too hot to stay in the sun. I picked berries as I went, and kept an eye out for predators, only herbivores so far. I joined a herd of paracers for safety and trudged along in the sand beneath their feet. I had not seen so much of the Ark on foot in so long I could not remember the last time I had walked this river, maybe back in the days when I had been alone, trying to find a safe haven in this hell of a place the Hosts have given us. My mind went back to those days as I trotted along under the paracers stomping feet.

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