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A picture of Amy above. Yep that's Emma Watson. Lol

Closing my locker I done my best to keep my head down so maybe, just maybe no one would notice me. My hair fell like a dark screen shielding my face from passing people in the crowded hallway. I waited for the hallway to clear before I decided to make my way to first period. Just as I was about to turn around I felt someone grab the back of my loose t-shirt, I never wore anything tight. It was not comfortable so why wear it? It was not like anyone would notice.

"Just the girl I was looking for."

I let out a groan, squeezing my eyes tightly shut. Kyria was the last person I wanted to see right now. After what I said to her yesterday she was probably here to kick my ass. She might be my biggest bully, but she luckily had never put her hands on me in a harmful way. Maybe my luck was still there.

Forcing myself I turned around. "What do you want Kyria?" I held my English book close to my chest.

Her full lips pursed as she looked at me. Why did she have to be so freaking beautiful! I mentally kicked myself for thinking that. This was not the time to start admiring how beautiful I thought Kyria Austin was!

Stepping to where she was only inches from me she reached out to pick at my t-shirt.

"God, Foster I would hope that your taste in clothes would have improved this year." Wrinkling her nose she continued to pick at Amy's shirt as if she was scared that it was going to bite her.

I looked down at my t-shirt. Sure it did not show off what I had, but it was still pretty. The huge peacock on the front looked even brighter because of the black shirt itself. My faded jeans weren't that bad either.

With a raised eyebrow I took in what she was wearing. A loose guy's t-shirt with some band's name on the front and some white incredibly tight white washed skinny jeans with the knees cut out of them, she seemed to love skinny jeans these days. She wore a black snapback that made her look even more beautiful. She totally had the beautiful badass thing down.

Tearing my eyes away from her body I looked up at her face to see her smirking.

"Done checking me out Foster?"

I wanted to punch her. I really did! I was not checking her out! I didn't even see her in that way. I liked guys. I so was not checking out Kyria Austin.

"I was not checking you out!"

Cocking her head to the side she smiled and this time it was not a smirk or a cocky smile; it was really sweet and playful. She leaned close to my face and I stopped breathing all together. What was she about to do?

"You sure," she asked.

I swallowed hard when she put both of her hands on either side of my head blocking me from moving away. I could feel my heart pulsing like a drum through my ears. God I hoped she could not hear that!

"Kyria..move. Now." It used every ounce of bravery that I had to say those words to her. For some reason they seemed to have wanted to stay inside of my head.

Kyria had never been this close to me before. She was so much more beautiful up close. How was that even possible; she was already drop dead gorgeous! She knew the kind of affect she was having on me because that sexy smile was back.

Biting her full bottom lip Kyria said, "and if I don't? What are you going to do?"

As if trying to provoke me she lowered her hands to my waist and pulled me close to her. Our lower halves were now pressed against each other.

Why did I not mind this? Oh please tell me that I was not falling for her games and turning into one of her many love struck idiots! I couldn't be! I did not like girls that way! I liked guys and guys only! I told myself that it was just the fact that this was a new side of Kyria and I did not know quite what to do with it. This to her was just one of her many games that she loved to play with people.

Before I could tell her to move again she stepped back giving me enough space to breathe. Relieved I sank back against the wall. Still however not being able to help myself I stared at her. Kyria had started to walk away, but stopped and looked back at me. I half expected her to say something, but she didn't. She just smile that sexy half smile and winked at me before resuming her way on down the hallway.

I thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest. Was it my imagination or did Kyria Austin just flirt with me in a deserted hallway?

Shaking my head clear of that thought I wasted no more time and ran to first period praying that I was not going to be late. If I was then it was strictly all Kyria's fault!

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