Our Time is Limited

437 26 2

Dear Journal,

Today, I was allowed to see my mum for the first time since…everything I guess. It was exactly like the phone things you see in movies with the glass between you and the person you’re talking to.

I sat down on the seat across from my mum wearily. Then I picked up the phone-like thing in the same manner. And looked at my mother in the eyes

“Hey mum”

“Hey sweetie”

We held each other’s gazes for a few seconds or maybe it was a few minutes.

In one breathe she got out “Sweetie I’m so sorry I wanted to be a good mum but it was really hard for me when your dad left. You understand right? I’m so mess-”

“Mum! It’s okay, I understand.”

She started blinking rapidly “I’m so sorry baby girl I’m so sorry…” she apologised like she used to after the drunken incident. And it’s about now she would start to break down.

“Mum I love you no matter what; I’ll talk to you later” I hung the phone back and started to walk outside with tears threatening to spill.

I couldn’t stay and cry with my mum.

I can’t cry. I can’t start crying again. I just stopped the habit of crying to sleep yesterday. I stopped sulking in my room all day yesterday too. I noticed what I was doing to myself yesterday when I wrote in my journal and was told I was going to see my mum today.

I was doing what mum was doing when dad left.

I realised I couldn’t do that especially at this age when I have my whole life in front of me.

There is always time to change and be a better person. Life is way too short to sit around only to sulk and complain. Make the most of your time. After all who knows how long we have?

“From the moment we are born we begin dying”


There's something to think about. I couldn't find who said that quote but heyhoo.

Now I don't know but I guess the majority of wattpaders are relatively young. I'm sure we've all had 'ugh life' days but we should remember how limited our time is. 

Hm a song... Catch my breath- Kelly Clarkson

Be happy lovelies :D Laters

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