Let yourself be happy

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Dear journal,

I don't know why I didn't think of it before, writing everything down. It feels good, to let it all out. Not that you can give advice or comfort me or anything like that, but it helps. Funny eh? Talking to my journal. People talk to their pets and inanimate objects so I don't see why I can't talk to my journal if it makes me feel better.

Another very important thing in the process to be happy is to let yourself be happy of course. If you don't let yourself be happy, you cant be.

It's quite simple really alot of mental and physical matters can be compared. For example if you want to read a book you'll have to pick it up and open the book. You can't read the book if you don't open it. Just like if you want to be happy you need to let yourself be happy.

It sound simple of course, almost everything is easier said than done.

I don't know why I didn't let myself be happy. I think it was the fear of losing it after. You know? When you think everything is going good and you're happy then all of a sudden you lose it all. And everything comes crashing down. Therefore I thought it was alot easier to be down all the time.

If you were happy you had the chance of losing it, but if you were sad it could only get better right? I was so wrong, the depression only got worse day after day after day.

After a while, I did realise it this. When that happened I decided to pick myself up.

The things people can achieve as a team is amazing, but what one person can achieve is also outstanding.

In life there are things you'll have to go through alone and that is when you find yourself and manage things you never thought you' be able to do.

This is when you become stronger, and eventually a better person


Helloooo there!

I think I've got the plot now, so I'll be updating more often, maybe.

Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this please vote, it lets me know that you did and it makes me happy :3

Any criticism, mistakes, ideas etc please comment.

See ya, heart Tiffany :)

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