Chapter 3 (Edited)

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"Human speaks"
'Human thoughts'
"Beast speaks"
'Beast thoughts'

A few months had passed. With Kurama's training, Naruto's speed, strength and chakara control has increased greatly.

Naruto wasn't training in his apartment anymore, both Naruto and Kurama agreed that they will need more space. So, they found an abandoned training ground. The place was clearly abandoned, Naruto figured by the neglected maintenance. There was trash everywhere and it was difficult to navigate trough the area, because nature had basically reclaimed the place.

As the time passed, the villagers had difficulty catching the boy, but when there were shinobi after him, there's almost no hope escaping.

Kurama would ask Naruto's permission to take over his body for a few minutes, so she could teach them a lesson, but Naruto always refused and Kurama respected his wishes. Naruto would always put on his "happy little sunshine mask" and walk off all of the village's abuse.

Kurama always said that the blonde is too kind for his own good.

It was an early morning and Naruto just got out of bed, painfully. "Damn... Ouch!" He was still feeling sore from the beating he received last night. "So Kurama... What will my training be this time?..."

Naruto heard the kitsune chuckle inside his head."Take it easy, little one... Eat some breakfast first, clean yourself up an then we'll talk about your training."

As soon as Naruto went trough his morning routines, he went on his way to his personal training ground, while carrying the forbidden scroll on his shoulder.

The streets are lively, even in the early morning. Naruto could see the villagers getting ready for the new day.

Naruto could feel their cold stares on him, their harsh words.

"Why is he allowed to live in the village any way?"

"I don't know what is the Hokage-sama thinking, that thing should executed for what it did."

"As long as that demon is in the village, still breathing... Our children will never be safe..."

Naruto pretended he didn't heard anything and just kept smiling, but Kurama knew the boy was hurt inside.

"Stay strong kit. You're a kind, gentle and good. They have no right calling you a monster."

Kurama gave a few more words of encouragement, but the boy still stayed in silence.

Naruto was close to enter the forest, but there were a few things that kept bothering him, things about Kurama.

"Kurama... There's something I need to know."

"What is it?"

"You know so much of the village... Even more than I do... Like about the library of the jutsus, what scrolls I needed to get and you clearly know something about this big scroll that I don't, why is that?"

Naruto didn't get an answer right away. Kurama was debating whatever to tell the boy the truth, or not. If she would to tell the truth, then Naruto would be one step closer of uncovering the truth of his mother, but then again... She hates to lie.

"One of my previous containers was... The Shodai's wife. He sealed me inside of her himself and as for the scroll... She was assisting Tobirama when he made the scroll, after I was sealed. I remember what's written in that scroll, I've watched it trough her eyes back then."

Naruto stopped walking and stared to the ground with his eyes wide open.

"H-His wife? He did that to his own wife?"

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