Chapter 25

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"Human speaks"

'Human thoughts'

"Beast speaks"

'Beast thoughts'


(Sorry for bad grammar)

(Konohagakure's general hospital)

Naruto took a couple of deep breaths and walked trough the main entrence.

The building wasn't really packed with people, but it still looked quite busy.

Naruto walked pass the people and stood infront of the receptionist.

"Hello... I was assigned here to see a psychiatrist..." Naruto spoke in a monotone.

The young woman who worked as the receptionist looked up and was surprised to see Naruto and in responcee she gave him a closed eye smile.

Naruto knew it was fake.

"I'm sorry, but we don't treat Demons here, so please leave now, or we will call security." The woman simply spoke.

Naruto saw that one coming, so he didn't show a slight reaction to that remark.

"Look lady, I don't wanna be here just as much as you don't want me here, but I was sent her by the Sandaime himself, so just point me at the right direction, so I ccould get this thing over with and leave." Naruto spoke with an emotionles tone.

The receptionist chuckled and rose her finger at the direction Naruto "needed" to go.

Naruto looked at the direction and saw, that it was the way he came from.

Naruto began to lose his cool.

"Listen here you cu-- Ok I think I'll take it from here." Naruto was cut off by a male voice.

Naruto turned around and saw a young man with auburn coloured hair, that were tied in a pony tail and amber eyes, he wore a white lab coat, underneath a light blue shirt with a grey tie, black pants and black shoes.

"Hello Naruto-san, I'm Foo Yamanaka and I'll be the one who's goint to evaluate you." The Yamanaka spoke kindly, as he extended his hand towards Naruto to shake it.

Naruto smiled back and hesintantly shok the man's hand.

'That's strange... I've never seen him from the Yamanaka compound before...' Naruto thought.

"Come, let's go to my office." Foo led the way.

'I can tell that he's a shinobi, judging by his chakara level and a damn good one too...' Naruto remarked.

"Please, sit right there so that we could begin." Foo pointed at an armchair.

Naruto sat on the comfy arm chair and Foo sat on the one infront of Naruto.

"Right... please let me apologize for what just happened a few seconds ago, I should've known, that something like that would happen..." Foo spoke with a soften look.

"It's fine, I'm used to it..." Naruto waved it off.

"I see..." The man spoke with a sad smile. "Then let us begin."

(Namikaze mansion)

Ino was standing infront of the Namikaze Mansion, she knocked on the massive twin doors and waited.

The reason why Ino came is becouse Naruto told her how he and Naomi gotten closer and she wanted to make sure she wouldn't hurt him. Ever since Naruto started to talk about the Namikaze, Ino felt a weird feeling in her chest and she didn't know what it was, she tried to ignore it, but it didn't work.

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