Chapter 8 (Edited)

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"Human speaks"

'Human thoughts'

"Beast speaks"

'Beast thoughts'

(Konoha's academy)

A few weeks had passed since Naruto had told Ino the truth he expected the girl to hate him, but that never happened, instead, she accepted him, she even started to call him 'Otouto'. At first, the rest of the Yamanaka clan didn't take it nicely when they learned that the demon brat is staying at their compound, but as weeks passed they began to warm up to the boy, as they to saw him, they understand that he's not a monster, but a child. Naruto felt happy, he almost felt like he had a family.

"You jerk!" A familiar voice yelled.

Naruto turned around and saw Kiba smirking at the fuming Ino.

"Just give it back! It's not yours!" Yelled Ino, but Kiba just kept smirking.

As Naruto made a closer look he saw Kiba was holding a beautiful pink flower. "Hey! What's going on?!" Naruto asked confused.

"That jerk stole my flower!" Explained Ino

"Really? Your flower? I don't see your name on it!" Teased Kiba, making Ino even angrier.

"Give the flower back Kiba, it's not yours!" Spoke Naruto, as he began to approach the Inuzuka boy.

Kiba smirked and plucked one of the flower's petals, making Naruto's fake smile slowly disappear.

"Stop! It's very fragile! J-Just give it back, please!.." Ino pleaded.

Kiba's smirk widen. He started to pluck more petals. "What's wrong Ino-chan? I'm just holding it and that's it." He spoke sweetly

Naruto glanced at Ino and saw tears welling up in her eyes, that's when the little boy was starting to get angry. "Kiba... give Ino back the flower. Now!" He spoke slowly but his voice sounded irritated.

"Butt out Jack, this isn't your concern!" Kiba snarled.

Naruto reeled back at the name. He really didn't like that name, it made him remember that fateful day. Naruto started slowly backing away, as flashbacks forced their way into the boy's head. Ino noticed that Naruto seemed to get more distressed by the minute, she was getting worried for him.

"Yeah, that's right just walk away, you pussy!" Taunted Kiba. He then looked back at the blonde girl and smirked. 'That will teach her, not to mess with me!' Thought the boy, as he dropped the flower and stomped his foot on it while twisting it. "Oops! How clumsy of me."

"NOOO!" Ino cried.

Kiba just laughed at her face and ran off. Ino knelt down next to the ruined flower and began to sob

Naruto at Ino's side and tried to comfort her. "I'm sorry... I tried to help, but I was useless..." The boy spoke, feeling guilty.

"It's not your fault... Kiba's the one who stomped on the flower..." She spat out Kiba's name like it was poison. "Are you ok?... Your flashbacks came back, didn't they?" She asked.

Ino knew Naruto wasn't fully recovered from the traumatic incident he not so long ago had to go through Inoichi tried to help Naruto with some Yamanaka therapy session -sealing the memories away- but Naruto refused. As much, as those memories were painful, Naruto can't forget them, because he needs to remember his lesson about kindness.

"I'm fine Ino-chan, but your flower... Why was it so important to you anyway." Naruto asked gently.

"That flower was a Middlemist Camellia, it's really rare... I wanted to give it to Sakura, as a gift, because it reminded me of her and I thought it could reconcile our relationship..." Ino spoke sadly, as a tear broke out.

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