Chapter 33

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"Human speaks"

'Human thoughts'

"Beast speaks"

'Beast thoughts'


(Sorry for bad grammar)

(Land of Forests, random village)

It was noon and the atmosphare in the village was grim. The local citizens were in their home with their doors locked and the only ones that were in the streets were the lowest of the low; criminals gangsters and some other creeps that injoyed the anarchy.

Trough the chaotic streets was walking a single man, that no one dared to touch, becouse he was one of the highest ranking thugs in the village.

He is a light-skinned man with bluish-white hair and black eyes. Lined markings are tattooed under his eyes. He wears a dark purple hat on his head, the top of which extends far beyond the top of his head. He also wears a blue jacket with multiple pockets and tied to his waist is his blue handled katana.

'Man... am I glad that I picked this body... I'm lucky that this low live's name actually means something in this place...' Thought the man with a feminine voice.

The truth is, the thugs is under control of Ino's Mind Body Switch Technique, so now Ino is the one who uses the thugs body as her own, while her real body is kept safe with her team.

'Ok, ok... all I need to do is open the gates and that's it... then the others along side the samurai will storm in...' Ino thought, as she tried to look as "musculant" and "entitled" as possible.

Ino came near a gate, pulled out the katana and tried to break open the lock.

"C'mon-you stupid..." Ino grunted, as she struggled to open the lock.

"Hey! What are you doing there.

'Crap...' Ino thought, as she turned around.

What Ibo saw was a man, he that was of tall stature, wore an eye-patch over his right eye and has brown hair which he parts in three, finishing in an elaborate topknot. He has an intricate tattoo that seemingly stretches across his entire left side and left right, inner thigh, as well as a stitched scar on the left side of his forehead, and the left side of his mouth. He wore what seems to be a loose-fitting kimono, albeit not in the traditional manner as the top half of the outfit falls around his waist leaving his upper body exposed. He also wore bandages wrapped around his waist, simple sandals and carries a fairly long sword.

"Zori?.. The hell are you doing with that gate?" The thug asks.

'That's probably my name...' Ino figured. "Hey... Waraji." Ino scaned trough the possesed thugs memories and found out the other ones name." I was just trying to open the gate, you see the boss told that a group of men that are from the other district will be passing by to rest, so I'm just unlocking the gate..." Ino answered sheepishly.

"Why wasn't I informed about it?" Waraji asked.

"Well... umm... guess the boss trusts me the most." Ino answered.

"Hm. Probably, I mean you always were busy sucking his dick, you kiss ass." Waraji mocked.

Ino just laughed nervously, as she scrached her cheek. Waraji narrowed his eye.

"You don't act like your self... the hell's the matter with you? Too much booze last night?" The thug spoke.

"Yeah..." Ino stammered. "That's it... I just have a huge headache." Ino spoke, as she pretended to grip her head out of pain.

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