1. Revelation ✔

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'Positive'. Those two lines were looking at me mockingly, showing the result I dreaded the most.

Never ever in my life was I praying with such desperation to get a negative result. But no. It just has to go the other way.

I looked at that little stick, hoping that miraculously it would change. This little stick was holding my future.

You know that life changing moment that turns your life upside down and is going to define your future? I was facing that moment right now. The one I wish I would never have to experience. Well, certainly not in this way.

"Hey, you okay?" The familiar voice brought me back to reality.

"Um, yeah. I-I'll be out in a moment," I said, though I didn't have any intention to get out of this bathroom anytime soon. Heck, I don't want to go out there. Ever.

I mean getting pregnant at 21 is bad. But getting pregnant at 21 without being married and living in an Indian society is far worse.

I am not ready for those 'Oh-god-she-got-pregnant-without-marriage' or 'oh-look-at-that-slut' looks. And I don't think I'll ever be.

"Anvi, you are taking a hell of a lot of time. Do you want me to break the door of my own bathroom?" said the nervous voice from outside.

"Okay, okay. No need for any drastic measures here. I am coming out right now," I said, stepping out into his room.

'Oh God, last time I was here we did IT,' I thought, 'and now I'm facing the consequences' my oh-so-intelligent mind said. 'Well it was your job to stop me from doing it,' I retort back.

"Anvi?" The same deep voice stopped me from further arguing with my mind.

"Huh?" I asked confusingly.

"Well you were there for like half an hour. I mean it doesn't take this much time, does it?" he said, scratching the back of his head.

"Oh. Yeah. It's just- You know- It says-" I started fumbling with words, not sure how to say it.

"You are making me really nervous. Just say the words and free me from this torture." And the rude boy I know was back.

I took some deep breaths to prepare myself. These were not the most difficult words, and not saying them aloud wasn't going to change my future now. But saying them aloud, it's going to make them more real, and this is the reality I am not willing to face.

"Anvi?" He drawled.

So here it is, "I am pregnant," I blurted out. Oh God, I finally said it. I finally admitted the fact that I am pregnant with the baby of my 'so-called' crush, Mr Dhruv Pradhan.

"You are what?" He exclaimed, "I mean, are you sure?" He rephrased his question, snatching the pregnancy kit out of my hand.

"It shows two red lines which means positive, but it can be a false positive too. We can't trust this thing. It just can't be true, right," he blabbered, sounding hopeful.

But I didn't have the same hope as him. I already knew what was happening was real. There was no false hope. So instead of saying anything I just showed him two more sticks showing the same result.

He just stared at the objects in my hand.

"Dhruv, say something" I said, shaking him. Honestly I was scared of his reaction but at the same time I was more scared of his silence.

"This can't be happening," was the first sentence that came out of his mouth when he finally snapped out of his shock.

"How did this happen? I mean it was just one night, one mistake. You just don't pay this much price for one little mistake," he said.

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