2. Crushes are Dangerous ✔

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I was lying down on his bed, waiting for sleep to embrace me in its peaceful hug. But with my messed up mind, only thoughts were my loyal companion.

I was still stuck on the fact that somehow I managed to turn my life 360 degrees, well certainly not in an ideal way.

How on the earth did I, miss-goody-two-shoes, manage to get myself into this mess?

I heard Dhruv talking to someone, but I couldn't make out their conversation. Not that I was interested. With my life turned into a big chaotic mess, I was hardly interested in anyone else's.

Just a few hours and it all turned upside down. Maybe not a few hours, maybe it all started when I got this crush on this nerdy cute boy.

Oh stupid, stupid crush.

I couldn't help but think of the day it all started,


"Anvi, why are you staring at Dhruv?" Saira, my best friend, asked me.

"Dhruv? What about him? I am not looking at him," I said, a bit flustered at the thought I got caught staring.

"Uh-huh. I can very well see that," she said, raising her perfectly arched eyebrow.

"I don't know what you are talking about," I said acting all innocent.

"And now you think I am dumb as well as blind," she said in her sarcasm perfected voice.

I knew 'The Saira Mehra' will never let go off this topic until I spill all the beans."What do you wanna know Sai?" I asked her in a defeated voice.

Her face lit up at this. "How about everything? And please don't even try to lie. You know I can tell when you are lying," she said, too excited if you ask me.

"Well, I don't know why but suddenly I started noticing Dhruv," I said.

"As in?" she asked confusingly.

"It's hard to explain but I will try," I said and started explaining, "you know we are in the same batch for the last 3 years. But I never noticed him. He was just a boy in my batch" I said.

"A very intelligent and handsome boy I might add," Sai interjected.

"Yeah, yeah and that too. So, what was I saying ? don't disturb me Sai. Ha, okay, right. So I was saying, I never noticed him but then last week," Sai cut me off before I can continue.

"Ooohh.. what happened last week?" she asked wiggling her eyebrows.

I just gave her a questioning look.

"Sorry, sorry. Continue," she said.

"Okay. So last week we had our practical exam and I was stuck at diagnosis. I just couldn't find anything. But then he came. To help me. Even though he was lagging behind in his own case, he came to help me," I finished, smiling at the memory.

"And?" Sai asked, still not getting what I meant.

"He HELPED me," stressing on the word helped.

"So what? he helped you. He must help everyone," Sai shrugged. Wow Sai, way to crush my hopes.

"But it was an exam. Sure no one helps during exams. But he did. He helped me even though I didn't ask him. Everyone was there but no one came to help me. Everyone was so busy on their own. But he left his case behind, just to help me," I sighed dreamily

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