5. Crossing Lines ✔

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I woke up in the morning with a throbbing head and hazy mind. But that's not all I could feel, the weird uncomfortable soreness between my thighs, was something throwing me off guard.

I was used to a hazy mind and sometimes a little headache, but this feeling, I have not experienced it in my entire existence.

I continued lying on the bed to clear my mind, to get the slightest idea why I am feeling this weird, this uneasy. Not just my body, but my mind too.

I stretched a little as I took in my surrounding. I was lying in the bed, a bed which was precisely not mine. Why on the earth am I lying naked in someone else's bed?

Wait. What? Naked? I looked down to confirm the thing I just noticed. To my horror, I was completely, very much naked. Oh dear Lord, what is happening?

A single tear escaped as I was unable to comprehend anything. My mind went blank. I was lost. The entire situation was just screaming at one thing but I just couldn't accept it. There has to be another explanation.

Something that will indicate I did not have.. No, no, I couldn't have.

Another tear slid down as I frantically tried to think of another explanation but nothing popped up.

Oh god, what have I done?


A sudden knock on the door jolted me right into the present. The present I was not ready to accept. I clutched tightly into sheets, to hide myself, to hide my nakedness, not just physical but mental too. To hide the shame I was feeling.

Dhruv poked his head inside the room. Once his eyes met mine, his entire stance went rigid.

"Oh you are awake."

I nodded, unable to say anything.

"Your clothes," he threw my clothes on the bed and another tear slipped.

"Take a shower. Then we need to talk," he said, void of any emotion.

"I... I...can we talk later? I just need to go home. I'll take shower at home. I don't think I will be comfortable here. I.." but he cut me off once I started babbling after I found my lost voice.

"As you wish. But trust me, you’ll need it," he said in a robotic manner. "And about the talk, we need to have it now," he said, there was a raw edge to his voice. I flinched at the harsh tone of his voice.

"I will be waiting outside.” And with that he left me alone with my misery.


Reluctantly I went inside the bathroom. But then I realized Dhruv was right when he said I needed a shower. Not just to wash off the blood, but to remove every touch, every kiss. Even though I can't remember it, it was still there. On my body.

I knew it was not all his mistake, but that thought made me more miserable. The fact I did that made me feel angry with myself. How was a minor question. No matter what I shouldn't have let it happen.

Tears mixed with hot water ran over my body. Salt water hitting my mouth brought me back to present. 'I can't dwell in the past. It happened. No matter how hard I try, I can't undo this. Plus I can't break down here. This is not the right place nor the right time,' I thought as I tried hard to prevent myself from shattering into pieces. I can't afford that. Not now.

After I got ready, I went out, physically, to face him. But mentally I was nowhere ready. I know, to some it might not be a big deal but for me, it was. It was something special for me, something that I was saving for someone special. It was meant to be special with 'The One'. It was not supposed to be a one night stand with some random guy which I can't even remember.

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