21. Struggles

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'Mondays suck' I thought grumbling as I got up. After getting long night's sleep, I was expecting to feel fresh and rejuvenated but I was tired as before. It was as if I didn't get any sleep at all.

Package deal of pregnancy. Or maybe not. It's not like I used to be cheerful in morning before. I can't blame pregnancy all the time.

"Hawww" I yawned loudly and swung my legs out of bed. God, why can't be it Sunday everyday?

I was still sitting on bed when my phone starts blaring my ringtone. Dhruv? My eyebrows scrunched up in confusion as he had called this early in morning.

"Hey" I greeted as I received his call.

"You are awake?" He asked, shocked as if he can't believe I managed to wake myself up.

"Nahh I am still sleeping. I received your call in sleep and sleep talking to you" I said rolling my eyes, even though he can't see it.

"Someone is cheery this morning" he commented.

"Yeah, I am the most cheerful person in morning that I might kill you out of happiness" I said, sarcasm dripping in every word.

"Psycho" he said, chuckling.

"Did you call just to annoy me? If yes then I am already annoyed and I don't need you to irritate me more" I said, almost hanging up on him.

"I do have other things to do than entertain you" he said, annoyed.

"Oh yeah then why are you calling me in 5.30 in morning?" I asked.

"Just to wake you up. I don't want you to be late for college, just because there's no one to wake you up. It's my responsibility" he said.

"Good god Dhruv, stop thinking of me as a child. I am a grown up woman who knows her responsibility. So stop this. I am not a responsibility" I said, feeling irritated with his behavior. He knew I hated being treated as responsibility. We already fought over it, for God's sake. But still he's labeling me as a damn responsibility.

"I know you are still immature. I just want someone to be responsible in this relationship" he exasperated.

"Yeah I am immature" I said angrily and did the most mature thing. I hung up on him.

Hot shower cooled me down considerably. I was less irritated but annoyed nonetheless. I am not immature. Why does he think like he is the only one responsible in whatever relationship we are having? I am the one who took responsibility of our action. He needed a push to come terms with it, not me.

'Cool down Anvi, you are overreacting' I tried to calm myself but these pregnancy hormones were making it difficult. I was irritated with Dhruv's behavior, my hormones were jumping up and down in my body, my gut was begging me to throw up everything and I haven't cook breakfast yet. I don't even know how to cook.

Ignoring the irritation I was feeling, I went in kitchen. I looked inside the fridge hoping just like yesterday, food will appear miraculously. But I had eaten everything last night.

Ughh, now I have to cook something. I took eggs out of fridge along with cheese, tomatoes and onions. Yes, I am making an omlett. It was easiest thing to make plus it's the only thing I can cook. Besides what can go wrong while making an omlett?


Everything. Everything can go wrong while making an omlett. I accidentally added too much salt. It was salty beyond the point acceptable. Needless to say, it acted like an invitation for my guts to puke.

I was drained after throwing everything up. Lying on a bed, I tried to relax myself. But I didn't even realize when my eyes starts drooping and sleep took over me.

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