4. Let's Enjoy ✔

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"Are you freaking serious?" I exclaimed.

"Why do you have to shout? It's my best friend's birthday. I can't miss his party. You kind of are my responsibility," he said sounding frustrated. I guess he is as interested to take me to the party as I am. Note the sarcasm.

"So where is this party if I may ask?" I asked out of curiosity.

"At his place. Nothing big," he answered shrugging.

"Ohhh," I sighed in relief. At least there won't be too many people to witness me getting humiliated. I mean, won't people just enjoy my 'uninvited' entry with my amazingly great party outfit, completely soaked flannel shirt with drenched jeans. Thank god, it's just a 'stay at home' party and not some 'lavishly grand' party.

My relieved sigh turned into a gasp when we stood in front of a grand tower.

"This is 'nothing big'?" I asked Dhruv incredulously. He just shrugged carelessly. I was standing in front of one of the most luxurious apartment buildings in Mumbai and he said it was nothing big. Ridiculous, I thought.

"I can't go in there" I finally said.

"Why?" He asked confusingly.

"Why? Look at this place and then look at me Dhruv. Do you think I will fit in there? For God's sake I look like a drenched kitten. Everyone will laugh at me," I explained my worries to him.

"Oh," he said, scratching back of his neck.

Oh... that's all he could say? Couldn't he tell me that his 'nothing big party' is more like a party at a five star apartment with probably 30-40 people in it. I would have rather preferred staying at the station than being everyone’s subject of fun.

'You would have freezed to death but hey that's better than getting humiliated,' my brain added sarcastically.

'Shut up brain. Take my side for a change,' I argued with my own brain. Intelligent, I know.

"Anvi, I am talking to you," it was Dhruv.

"Huh?" I was lost in my own world that I didn't hear a word he said.

"Why don't you just live in your dreamland. You seem to be there more often than here." The snarky remark came from my side. I just rolled my eyes at him. Honestly, I was used to him and his snarky comments. Rather it was one of the things I like about him. His sense of humor. Weird sense, but you know-

‘Okay Anvi, getting off track here’, my brain piped in. I shook my head to shake off these thoughts.

"What are you talking about Dhruv?" I asked.

"If you were paying attention then you wouldn't have to ask, would you?" he said with a smirk. Just to irritate me, I know. I don't know what sadistic pleasure he gets from riling me up.

"Oh almighty Dhruv, please do a favor on this poor thing and tell me," I said sarcastically.

"Dramatic much," he said laughing, "by the way, you should have touch my feet, just to add an effect."

"Cocky much," I said, "now can you tell me?" I asked as a shiver ran through me. My teeth started chattering too.

"It's just I called my friend and he said you can come. No one will say anything. Unless you want to stay here and enjoy this rain and cold. You seem to like it very much," he said, smirking.

Well that didn't give me much of an option. Of course my brain was right. I would freeze to death. So I decided to go with him.

"Fine. I'll come," I said through chattering teeth.

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