3. It's Party Time ✔

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I heard him enter the room but I decided to keep my eyes shut, pretending to be asleep. I was not ready to face him. Yet.

"Hey are you awake?" he asked softly.

I thought he was gone when he said nothing, but then I felt the other side of the bed dipping.

"Ummm.. looks like you are already asleep. I don't want to disturb you, but I really need to say something. And it's easier this way, you know," he said, sounding nervous. He inched closer to me and continued, "actually- ummm.. you know- I just wanted to say-" he fumbled with his words.

Wow he really is nervous. Now I am wondering what he had to say that is making him so nervous.

"It's just hard for me, you know. I have never apologized to anyone before," he said. At that moment I wanted to open my eyes and see his nervous face. I wanted to tell him that I understand. But before I can do that, he suddenly held my hand and my heart skipped a beat.

Not to ruin the moment, I continued my act and he continued talking.

"I am really sorry Anvi, for my outburst earlier. Not only for today but that day too. I had no right to yell at you. It's not your mistake. But I panicked. It's hard to keep your cool with all these things happening. But I didn't mean to hurt you. I swear. I might have said hurtful things- no, I did say hurtful things, today and that day, but it was not intentional. I just didn't understand how to react and I am really sorry for that. I want you to know that I will support you, no matter what your decision is, whether to keep the baby or not. I know you don't want this as much as I do. But we both made a mistake and I am ready to face its consequences. And I promise you, that from my side, I will try my best to help you and well, our baby."

I felt moisture beneath my eyelids but I controlled the tears from spilling. He just started to open up and I didn't want him to stop.

"I am sounding like an idiot now. Talking to a sleeping girl. I just gathered this courage to apologize but you were already asleep and I don't know when I will get this courage again. So I just had to say this. Besides they say you can convey emotions even when unconscious. I am just hoping that you will know that I am with you, even though I appeared as a stubborn, hotheaded, hard-to-get-along-with-anyone type of guy," he ended his rant and tears were threatening to fall.

"I am sorry again, for being this mean and selfish person, for creating this mess, for everything." With that, he left.


With him, gone was his amiable and warm presence. I know it's stupid, to get used to him and it's going lead to heartbreak, mostly mine.

But I couldn't help but miss his soothing deep voice and gentle touch. Right now, I needed someone, to understand me, to care for me and Dhruv is being that someone for me.


"What is taking so long to find a single book?" said the irritated voice.

'Then why don't you get it yourself, you idiot' I thought. "It's not here, Dhruv. The librarian said we can get it tomorrow," I answered back. I heard him muttering something, most probably 'how stupid I am' or 'how I can't do such a simple thing.'

Ughhh... again, why am I stuck here with this infuriating boy. I should be at home, sipping coffee and peacefully watching the rain from my balcony.

But no, I am here, in the library, studying even though it's past eight for some stupid quiz. And more importantly with this moron on whom I once had a crush. Gosh! Why did I even like him? I mean, I agree he is kinda handsome, and intelligent, and charming, and sometimes helpful- but right now he is being plain annoying.

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