26: boi

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Luke: ughhhhh

Calum: ?

Luke: I hate people

Calum: same

Luke: some guy at school shoved me into the wall and then through my flower crown in the trash, asshole

Calum: someone did that??

Luke: yea

Calum: I'm going to kick their ass, who was it?

Luke: ...

Calum: tell me

Luke: Harry..

Calum: my friend Harry?

Luke: yeah...

Calum: I meant my ex friend Harry

Calum: that boy is dead

Luke: don't hurt him cal

Calum: he hurt you, I'm just going to return the favor

Luke: boi

Luke: no

Luke: don't

Calum: why?

Luke: because

Calum: because why?

Luke: just because

Calum: UGHHH

Calum: fine, don't tell me

Luke: okay

Calum: you get no kisses for a week

Luke: you won't last that long

Calum: I will

Luke: nope

Calum: I could last two weeks

Luke: you wanna bet?

Calum: yeah

Luke: okay

Calum: what do I get if I last 2 weeks?

Luke: a slight slap for not kissing me sooner, a lot of making out and a blowjob

Calum: deal

Luke: and if I win?

Calum: I'll kiss all over your body, and I'll mark it all up so everyone knows who you belong to

Calum: and I'll give you a blowjob

Luke: DEAL

Calum: okay :)

Calum: brb

Luke: where are you going?

Calum: I'm going to kill Harry :)

Luke: don't

Calum: my fist is just going to become friends with his face

Luke: no baby

Calum: please let me

Luke: I don't want you to, but I really can't stop you

Calum: okay

Calum: I'll text you once he has a broken jaw :)

Calum: bye

Luke: bye baby

* *

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