15: Car rides Suck *Calum*

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My hand rested on Luke's waist as he straddles me. Our mouths are locked together, are tongue touch every now and again. Luke runs a hand through my hair, and let's the other one rest on my waist.

He grinds against me, somehow, were in a tight space. I came to pick him up from school and somehow we ended up making out in my car.

I moan into his mouth, and give his hips a small squeeze. I pull him down I grin on me again. He smiles and allows his tongue to move around in my mouth. "Cal-we-should-get-going. Were-gonna be- late." Luke tells me in between kisses.

I move my hands to his butt and give to a light squeeze before say against his mouth. "Who care if were late?" Luke giggles, and I feel myself get even more hard. I bite down on his lip gently, and he smiles. I let go of his lip and he says "My parents would kill me if I'm late." He says, before I tongue him and he moans rather loud.

"But Lukey," I groan as we kiss, "I don't want to stop." He kisses me harder and whispers "Neither do I." I grin before kissing him hard and rapping a hand around his neck. I begin to push him onto the wheel a bit and he moans.

Everything was perfect. Until I pushed him a little to hard and he made the car horn go off.

He literally jumped into the air when he heard it. I laugh at his reaction and he pouts. He begins playing with my shirt and says "It's not funny Cal." "S-Sorry Luke." I say as I continue to laugh.

"I should so over there." He says awkwardly pointing to his seat. I sigh and nod. I start to unlock my door so he can exit, but he climbs over me. His hand accidentally brushes over my dick.

"Fuck." I whisper as he buckled himself in. "What?" He asks me, smirking. "Screw you Lucas."


"Mikey!" Luke yelled out as we entered the building. I wanted to hold his hand, but I didn't want ask him. So I just walked in next to him.

Luke was about to run to Michael but I grabbed his wrist real quick. He turned around and looked at me. I quickly kissed his cheek and said "I'm gonna put my stuff away, meet me after school by my locker. Okay babe?"

His face flushed when I used the pet name, and he nodded. I let go of his wrist and he ran off to Michael. And as he did so, his ass looked amazing.

I just stared at him talking to Michael, not caring that I had class in a few minutes. I watched him laugh at something that was said, and his cheeks flush a deep red. He but his lip and smiled at Michael.

How is it that he constantly is making me want to slam him against a wall and make out with him?


"Calum! Wait up!" I heard Ashton's voice call out as I began to walk to math. I turn my head to look at the curly headed boy. "Hurry up Ash, your so fucking slow." He scoffs, and puts his hands over his ears. "Language mate. Language." I shrugged. Before we walked into the math class.

I looked over at Luke. He was already in his desk, but unlike his usual book reading, he was talking to someone. He was talking to Michael, but somehow I felt a bit of jealously. I knew that Luke didn't feel that way about Mike, but it still hurt. ((No Muke hate, Muke is fab)) I wanted to be the on that sat by Luke in this class. I wanted to be the one to have to work with him. I wanted that. I wanted him.


"Hey Luke." I say looking over the books I was placing into my bag, and up at Luke's beautiful face. "H-Hi." He stuttered out, adjusting his white flower crown. I quickly slung my bag over my shoulder and slammed my locker shut. "So, um, where are w-we going?" He asked me, as we began to walk down the hall. Reviving many stares that I don't give a fuck about.

"It's a surprise babe." I tell him, grinning slightly. He nods hesitantly, before opening the schools front double doors. "Cal, are we going-" I quickly turned around and cut him off by slamming my lips against his. I could feel his body tense up, before kissing me back. I slowly pulled away and said "Another goal complete."

Luke blushed, his hand slid down my arm and slowly touched mine. He looked me in the eyes, almost as if he was asking for permission. I nodded, and he intertwined our fingers. His hand was warm, soft and a little clammy. But it was perfect. With every step we took, our hands would shift a little tiny bit.

Everything time I felt a little small different part of his skin, I felt a tingling sensation. It was amazing. He is amazing.

When we got to my car I opened his door for him and smiled at him. He blushed at my action and climbed into the car. I quickly ran to my side and got in. As soon as I was in I leaned over and kissed his cheek. A small blush painted his cheeks. I soon started the car, an was about to move the car when I felt Luke's hand on my own, telling me to stop.

I didn't move, I just turned my head to look at him. He placed his hands on the sides of my cheeks and captured my lips in his own. "Cally." He mumbled against my mouth, before pulling away.

I smiled at him, "Lukey." He smiled back before leaning in again and kissing me. "Can we just make out?" He says against my lips. I quickly turn the car off and kiss him harder, mumbling "Definitely." Against his mouth.


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